RRB JE Cut Off 2024, Region Wise Previous Year Cut Off Marks

Railway Recruitment Board (RRB) has announced 7951 vacancies for various posts including Junior Engineer, Depot Material Superintendent, Chemical and Metallurgical Assistant, Chemical Supervisor (Research), and Metallurgical Supervisor (Research). RRB JE Answer Key has been released on 23rd December 2024. Also, zone-wise RRB JE CBT 1 Cut-Off 2024 will be published on the official website. Cut-off marks are the minimum marks that candidates require to qualify for the Computer-Based Test (CBT). Candidates should check the RRB JE 2024 cut-off to know the minimum marks required to qualify in their region and categories. This information is necessary for exam preparation. This article provides all the details about RRB JE exam and cut-off to help you prepare effectively.

rrb junior engineer cut off 2024

After the declaration of RRB JE result candidates will be able to check the cutoff marks of RRB JE CBT 1 exam on the official website. The CBT 1 exam is of 100 marks, and there are minimum qualifying marks that candidates have to meet. However, it is important to note that the score of this screening test is not counted in the final merit list. Only candidates who score equal to or more than the cut-off marks can proceed in the selection process. Candidates who do not meet this requirement will not be considered for further steps in the selection process.

RRB JE Cut-Off 2024- Overview

Planning techniques play an essential role in qualifying RRB JE exam. Candidates preparing for RRB JE 2024 must check out the highlights related to the recruitment given below:

rrb is cut off 2024
name of exam rrb junior engineer exam
governing authority Railway Recruitment Board (RRB)
name of posts Junior Engineer (JE), Junior Engineer (IT), Depot Material Superintendent (DMS), Chemical and Metallurgical Assistant (CMA)
exam type level all india level
rrb jee 2024 vacancy 7951
rrb je answer key 23 December 2024
rrb cut off is 2024 to be informed
RRB JE 2024 Exam Selection Process
  1. rrb is cbt-i
  3. document verification
  4. medical examination
RRB JE 2024 official website https://www. indianrailways.gov.in

RRB JE CBT 1 Cut Off Expected Marks

Previous year RRB JE cut-off marks give a clear idea of ​​the minimum marks set by the Railway Recruitment Board. However, candidates should remember that these cut-off marks may change every year. Many factors influence the RRB JE cut-off marks, and these factors vary every year. While preparing for the exam, candidates should use the cut-off marks only as a reference point. The table given below shows the total number of candidates selected by different regional RRBs.

RRB JE 2024 Expected Cut-Off Marks
Social class minimum qualifying marks minimum qualifying percentage
General 60 40%
scheduled caste 45 30%
scheduled tribe 37.5 25%
EWS 60 40%
Other Backward Classes 45 30%

Steps to download RRB JE Cut-Off 2024

Candidates are advised to download the RRB JE Cut-Off 2024 as soon as it is available. Candidates can choose how far they want to go in the RRB JE selection process 2024 by consulting the cut-off marks. Following are the ways to download and verify RRB JE CBT 1 Cut Off 2024:

Visit the official website of RRB.

Under the “Latest Updates” tab, find the link for RRB JE Cut-Off 2024 and click on it.

Applicants will be redirected to a new website with specific information on cutoff points.

To save the cut-off markings for later use, find the “Download” icon and click on it.

If required, candidates can also print the cut-off marks from the downloaded file area of ​​their device.

Candidates must ensure that their scores match or exceed the cut-off scores listed in the official announcement.

rrb je previous year cut off

RRB JE cut-off marks are the minimum marks required to qualify for the next stages of the exam. After the exam, RRB JE cut-off will be available on the official websites of the respective RRBs. To help the candidates, we have provided RRB JE Previous Year Cut-Off in this article. By checking the previous year cut-off, candidates can estimate the expected cut-off for this year.

RRB JE Previous Year Cut Off – 2019

Category-wise RRB JE cut-off 2019 for different regions is tabulated below:

rrb je cut off 2019
rrb zone General Other Backward Classes scheduled caste scheduled tribe
Ahmedabad 65 60 48 43
Ajmer 63 58 53 47
Allahabad 62 56 49 42
Bangalore 53 48 35 34
Bhopal 62 54 46 33
Bhubaneswar 61 56 51 48
Bilaspur 63 55 46 42
Chandigarh 71 62 56 49
Chennai 61 48 42 36
gorakhpur 73 67 56 49
Guwahati 72 67 63 56
Jammu 65 , 48 42
Kolkata 59 54 48 39
Malda 73 69 62 54
mumbai 63 55 44 37
Muzaffarpur 74 69 63 55
Patna 79 76 69 58
Ranchi 75 69 62 56
Secunderabad 68 61 54 43
Siliguri 69 59 54 48
Thiruvananthapuram 52 46 38 30

RRB JE Previous Year Cut Off – 2015

Category-wise RRB JE cut-off 2015 for different regions is tabulated below:

rrb je cut off 2015
Area General Other Backward Classes scheduled caste scheduled tribe
Allahabad 61.45 54.42 47.36 41.32
mumbai 61.52 53.19 41.27 35.46
Secunderabad 66.28 59.27 53.26 41.36
Kolkata 58.37 53.62 47.21 38.25
Ahmedabad 64.37 59.35 47.26 40.32
Bhopal 60.27 52.36 44.52 33.48
Ajmer 62.26 56.27 51.32 46.27
Chennai 59.27 46.32 39.36 34.31
Bhubaneswar 61.32 54.37 49.63 47.38
Patna 79.67 74.37 68.23 57.26
Bangalore 51.32 46.27 33.67 31.28
Ranchi 74.56 68.35 61.32 55.28
Thiruvananthapuram 51.35 45.34 37.24 28.36
Muzaffarpur 74.67 69.23 61.32 54.37
Guwahati 72.32 67.43 63.56 56.32
Chandigarh 70.32 61.43 54.62 49.21
Bilaspur 61.32 53.56 44.21 39.52
gorakhpur 72.62 66.36 54.67 47.32
Siliguri 68.34 58.21 53.37 46.63
Malda 72.36 68.21 61.23 53.47
Jammu 63.21 , 47.32 41.27

RRB JE Previous Year Cut Off – CBT 2

Here, we have provided a sensible cut off for RRB JE 2024 CBT 2 exam. Candidates need to click on the link given below for help in cut-off trends of RRB Junior Engineer 2024 exam.

How to calculate RRB JE 2024 marks?

Railway Recruitment Board (RRB) has released the official recruitment notification on its website explaining the marking scheme for RRB JE 2024 exam. Candidates can use this marking scheme to calculate their expected marks in the written exam based on the RRB JE exam pattern. If there are any updates or changes in the marking scheme, RRB will announce them on its website. Given below is the information that candidates can use to estimate their scores:

  • There are two exams: Phase I is for 100 marks, and Phase II is for 150 marks.
  • Each question is of one mark. 0.33 marks will be deducted for each wrong answer.
  • To calculate their expected score, candidates should add the marks of all the questions they have answered correctly.
  • Then, they have to deduct 0.33 marks for each wrong answer.

Factors Affecting RRB JE Cut Off

RRB JE cut-off marks for the exam are decided based on some key factors, which include:

  • Number of Vacancies: The cut-off marks depend on the total number of vacancies available. If there are more vacancies, the cut-off marks will usually be lower. On the other hand, fewer openings result in higher cut-off marks.
  • Number of Applicants: The number of candidates applying for the exam also affects the cut-off. Larger number of applicants means higher cut-off marks, while fewer applicants means lower cut-off marks.
  • Exam Difficulty Level: Difficulty of the exam plays a big role in determining the cut-off. If the question paper is difficult, the cut-off marks are reduced. Conversely, an easier test results in higher cut-off marks.

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