In this post, you will know what is VCV / VCC Technique, you will try to explain it through alternate questions and answers, let’s start the article.
What is VCV / VCC technique?
“The VCV and VCC combo show you how to find which combo is in the biggest word.
In VCV and VCC combo, V means vowel and C means consonant.
So when vowel and consonant come, whether the word is VCV combo or VCC has to be seen.
What is VCV / VCC technique? Objective question and answer related to VCV / VCC technique
Table of content (TOC)
1) What is the first step we have to take to break the word?
Finding the pair of vowels and consonants.
Connecting the pair of vowels and consonants.
Breaking the pair of vowels and consonants.
Ans: Finding the pair of vowels and consonants.
2) ‘Power’ is the pair of VC combo appearing in this word OW and ER
Ans: Correct
3) When the pair of ‘vowel + consonant + vowel’ occurs in the word, then where should the word be broken?
The word is not broken.
Between the consonant and the vowel.
Between the vowel and the consonant.
Ans: Between the vowel and the consonant.
4) According to VCV / VCC technique, ‘Resist’ will break this word as Resis-t in this way?
Ans: Wrong
5) When the pair of ‘vowel + consonant + consonant’ comes in the word, then where should the word be broken?
between the vowel and the consonant.
Between Consonant and Consonant
word should not be broken
Ans: Between Consonant and Consonant
6) ‘Subject’ will break this word according to VCV / VCC Technique in this way as Sub-ject?
Ans: right
7) Which technique will break this word ‘District’?
By the technique of vowel + consonant + consonant
By the technique of vowel + consonant + vowel
VC + Conjoints
Ans: By the technique of Vowel + Consonant + Consonant
8) By which technique will this word ‘Magic’ be broken?
By the technique of vowel + consonant + consonant
By the technique of vowel + consonant + vowel
VC + Conjoints
Ans: By the technique of Vowel + Consonant + Vowel
9) What is the specialty of this technique ‘VC + Conjoint’?
No rules apply to them.
In this we count the consonant or vowel twice the combined letters.
In this, we count the combined letters as a single vowel or consonant.
Ans: In this, we count the combined letters as a single vowel or consonant.
10) Empathetic will break this word according to ‘VC + Conjoint’ technique as Empat-hetic?
Ans: Wrong
11) Break this word ‘Logic’ with the correct VCV / VCC technique –
Ans: Lo-gic
12) Break this word ‘Tablet’ with the correct VCV / VCC technique –
Ans: Tab-let
13) Break this word ‘Plastic’ with the correct VCV / VCC technique –
Ans: Plas-tic
14) Break this word ‘Novel’ with the correct VCV / VCC technique –
Ans: No-vel
15) Break this word ‘Rabbit’ with the correct VCV / VCC technique –
Ans: Ra-bbit
16) Break this word ‘Withheld’ with the correct VCV / VCC technique –
Ans: With-held
Final Words
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