MP Board Class 9th Ardhvarshik Paper 2024-25 Pdf Download: Students have very little time left for MP Board 9th Half Yearly Paper 2024, hence Hindi, Social Science, English, Sanskrit, Maths & Science Half Yearly Paper all are given here. Prepare for half yearly examination by reading Subject MOST IMP QUESTION.
Highlights – MP Board 9th Half Yearly Paper 2024-25
board | Madhya Pradesh Board of Secondary Education (MPBSE) |
Examination | mp board half yearly exam 2024 |
Class | 9th |
Subject | all subjects |
paper date | 9 to 18 December 2024 |
official website | |
MP Board 9th Half Yearly Paper 2024
MP Board Class 9th Half Yearly Paper Exam of important subjects will be conducted from 9th to 14th December 2024 from 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM. Hindi, Social Science, English, Sanskrit, Mathematics and Science papers will be held on December 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, and 14 respectively. After the examination, special classes will be conducted for preparation of the next subject.
MP Board 9th Half Yearly Paper 2024 Pattern
MP Board Class 9th Ardhvarshik Paper 2024-25 will be based on the paper pattern of MP Board exam. Just like the board exam, the actual questions, short answers, long answers and the blueprint of the entire paper will be fixed. Read the most important questions of MP Board 9th Half Yearly Paper 2024 given in this article carefully and strengthen your preparation for the paper.
class 9th hindi half yearly paper
prose section
, “Gillu” Describe the relationship between the squirrel and the author in the text.
related news
, “Wish for a flower” Explain the symbolic meaning of the flower in the text.
, “cannon” What social problem has the author highlighted in the text?
• Author “Subhash Chandra Bose” Describe the inspiring ideas of.
, “Past Present” How has the author explained the importance of history in the text?
, “India of Dreams” What kind of society has the author portrayed?
• Author “Mahatma Gandhi” Discuss the ideology and his contribution.
, “Immortal Bell” Describe the relationship between society and individual.
, “Autobiography” What main experiences does the author share through the text?
, “cannon” Discuss the use of humor and satire in the text.
poetry section
, “waterfall” Describe the comparison between flow and life in the poem.
, “Breaking stone” Explain the poet’s sentiments in the poem.
, “Don’t touch the shadow.” In what form has the poet presented the shadow in the poem?
, “Darkness” Explain the symbolic meaning of light and darkness in the poem.
, “Mata Bharat” Explain the patriotic viewpoint of the poet in the poem.
, “Poet and Poetry” How has the poet shown the importance of poetry?
, “Humanity” Explain the qualities of humanity in the poem.
, “The future of my India” What kind of India has the poet imagined?
, “hum” Describe the poet’s feelings in the poem.
, “Surdas” Explain the depiction of devotion in the works of.
• Explain the difference between verb and adjective.
• Identify the factors in the following sentences:
• Ram ate food.
• He went to the market.
• Write 5-5 examples of prefix and suffix.
• Write synonyms for the following words: “Sun,” “Water.”
• Correct the following sentences:
• He went to the market.
• I go to school.
, “Education” Write synonyms and antonyms of the word.
MP Board 9th Social Science Half Yearly Paper 2024
1. What are the main features of the Indian Constitution?
2. Explain the contribution of Mahatma Gandhi in the freedom struggle.
3. What were the objectives of the establishment of the Indian National Congress?
4. Discuss climate change and its effects.
5. Describe the internal structure of the Earth.
6. What are the types of Indian agriculture and their characteristics?
7. Describe the reasons for the rebellion of 1857.
8. What are the principles of democracy and its benefits?
9. Tell the measures to conserve resources.
10. Discuss the causes and consequences of the World War.
11. What were the main reasons for the partition of India?
12. Explain atmospheric cyclone and its types.
13. What was the role of women in the national movement of India?
14. Explain the importance of latitude and longitude lines in geography.
15. Analyze the reasons for India’s population growth.
16. Explain the importance of Tropic of Cancer and Tropic of Capricorn.
17. Describe the different periods of the Earth.
18. What was the contribution of Bhagat Singh in the Indian freedom struggle?
19. Explain the objectives and importance of Panchayati Raj system.
20. Explain the causes of water pollution and its prevention measures.
21. What was the impact of Green Revolution in India?
22. What are the advantages and disadvantages of globalization?
23. Describe the major rivers of India and their importance.
24. What are the rights and duties of an Indian citizen?
25. Name the different layers of the Earth and their characteristics.
26. What impact did the Industrial Revolution have on the Indian economy?
27. Explain the types of natural disasters and their management measures.
28. Explain the difference between democracy and dictatorship.
29. Describe the major achievements of the Maurya and Gupta periods.
30. Discuss the challenges faced during the partition of India
mp board 9th english half yearly paper questions
1. Write a chapter summary “The fun they had”,
2. How does the poet express “Air” As a symbol of challenges in life?
3. Write a character sketch of Margie “The fun they had”,
4. Summarize the poem “Different Path”,
5. Make the message clear “Rain on the Roof”,
6. What is the central theme of? “little girl”,
7. Write an essay on “My favorite hobby”,
8. Write a letter to your friend inviting him to his birthday party.
9. Write a paragraph on “Importance of Time Management”,
10. Identify and explain any five figures of speech in the poem. “Air”,
11. Write a story that starts with: “It Was A Dark and Stormy Night…”,
12. Explain the importance of the title “A truly beautiful mind.”,
13. Define tense and give examples of past, present and future tense.
14. Change Voice: “he is writing a letter.”
15. Change in Indirect Speech: “He said, ‘I will go to the market tomorrow.’
16. Write synonyms for: “Happy,” “Bright,” “Brave.”
17. Write antonyms for: “Darkness,” “Friends,” “Victory.”
18. What moral values do we learn from the story? “The Lost Child”,
19. Describe the relationship between Kezia and her father. “little girl”,
20. Explain the philosophy of the poet in “Different Path”,
21. Translate the sentence into Hindi: “Education is the key to success.”
22. Write five sentences each in declarative, interrogative, imperative and exclamation forms.
23. Write a diary entry about your favorite day at school.
24. What is the moral of the story? “A Legend of Northland”,
25. Fill in the blanks with the correct prepositions:
• She is afraid of the dark.
• He is good at playing chess.
26. Write an article on “Benefits of Physical Exercise.”
27. Write a speech on “Importance of cleanliness.”
28. What are the major themes in the poem? “No man is a foreigner”,
29. Describe the character of the scientist in “Truly a beautiful mind.”
30. How is the poem? “Air” Motivate people to face difficulties?
Class 9th Sanskrit Ardhvarshik Paper 2024
1. Write the definition of suspension.
2. Write the form of the verb read.
3. Ram goes to the forest. Analyze the verb of this sentence.
4. Write the definition of compound.
5. Write examples of masculine nouns.
6. Write compound phrases.
7. Translate the following Sanskrit – “Books are man’s best friend.”
8. In which language was Mahabharata written?
9. The boy likes to play. Write the meaning of this sentence in Sanskrit.
10. Write the form of the verb Bhu as a verb.
11. The boy is picking flowers in the garden. Analyze the verb of this sentence.
12. Write the following words in Sanskrit:-
• Sun
• River
• Book
• Mother
13. Tell the main message of Panchatantra.
14. Explain the importance of Sanskrit.
15. What would life be like without air? Write the answer there.
16. Who is Maharishi Patanjali? Tell us about his contribution.
17. Hindi translation – “Trees give us fruits, shade and oxygen.”
18.Let’s go to the temple. Write the literal form of this sentence.
19. Write the following numbers in Sanskrit –
• 100
20. The boy wins the game. Write the tense of this sentence.
21. Define the importance of reading.
22. Who is the author of Ramayana?
23. Write the following sentence in Sanskrit – “The teacher gives us knowledge.”
24. What are the basics of Sanskrit grammar?
25. What are the differences in poetry?
26. Children go to school. Define the verb of this sentence.
27. Explain the role of Ram in Sanskrit literature.
28. Knowledge is the greatest wealth. Describe this sentence in Sanskrit.
29. Write the synonym of dawn.
30. Translate the following Sanskrit – “Water is the basis of our life.”
MP Board 9th Maths Half Yearly Paper 2024
mp board 9th science half yearly paper questions
1. Define the relationship between force and mass in science.
2. Explain the first and second laws of motion.
3. How are the elements classified in the periodic table?
4. Explain the difference between velocity and acceleration of an object.
5. Explain the importance of gravity on Earth.
6. What is the difference between acid and base?
7. Write the laws of reflection and refraction of light.
8. Describe the magnetic field produced due to electric current.
9. Explain Newton’s laws of motion.
10. What is the difference between work and energy?
11. What is the effect of atmospheric pressure?
12. Explain the difference between the functions of DNA and RNA.
13. Describe the parts of the cell.
14. Explain the properties of carbon compounds.
15. Explain the difference between metal and non-metal.
16. Explain the principle of electrical resistance.
17. Describe the layers of the atmosphere.
18. Describe the cyclic form of water.
19. Explain the process of photosynthesis in leaves.
20. Discuss the causes and effects of acid rain.
21. Describe the blood circulatory system.
22. How are sources of energy classified?
23. Explain the causes and prevention measures of air pollution.
24. Discuss the role of biosphere in the structure of the Earth.
25. Describe sound and its properties.
26. Explain the reasons for hardness of water and ways to remove it.
27. Explain the types of fossil fuels and their uses.
28. Explain the causes and prevention measures of soil erosion.
29. Explain the structure and functions of heart and lungs.
30. Explain the laws of energy conservation and their applications.
This question paper is not the actual half yearly examination question paper. This is just a list of important questions that may appear in the exam. Students are requested to read the complete syllabus and prepare well.
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#FAQs related to MP Board 9th Half Yearly Paper 2024-25
When will MP Board 9th half yearly paper be held?
MP Board Class 9th half yearly paper will be conducted from 9th to 14th December 2024.
How to download class 9th half yearly exam paper?
Half yearly exam paper of class 9th can be downloaded from your study group.