Assam Rifles Recruitment 2022, Apply Online for 1380 Posts

Assam Rifles Recruitment 2022, Apply Online for 1380 Posts

Assam Rifles Recruitment 2022, Apply Online for 1380 Posts

Assam Rifles Recruitment 2022

Assam Rifles Recruitment 2022: Office of the Directorate General Assam Rifles has released an official notification inviting applications from eligible male and female candidates to fill up 1380 vacancies for Group B and C posts. A total of 1380 vacancies have been announced Under Assam Rifles Recruitment 2022 for the post of Technical & Tradesmen on official website @ So read this article completely for complete details of Assam Rifles 2022 Notification.

Assam Rifles Recruitment 2022 Notification

Online registration is held from 06 June to 20 July 2022 for 1380 vacancies To be filled through Assam Rifles Recruitment 2022. As per the notification Assam Rifles Written Test / PST / PT / Skill Test will start from 01st September 2022. This article covers the Assam Rifles Recruitment 2022 Technical & Tradesman Selection Process, Height & Chest, PST, PET, Skill Test and Written Exam details for 1380 Vacancies. Candidates must read this article till the end to get the details about Assam Rifles Vacancy 2022.

Assam Rifles Recruitment 2022- Overview

Assam Rifles recruitment 2022 notification has been released for a total of 1380 male and female vacancies. The detailed overview is tabulated below for the ease of the candidates, we have summarized the details below for the Assam Rifles Vacancy 2022.

Organization Name Office of the Directorate General Assam Rifles
Post Name Group B And C Technical And Tradesman
Number of Vacancies 1380
Application Mode online
Last date to apply online notify soon
grade Defense Jobs
eligibility 10th/12th pass
Selection Process
  1. physical test
  2. Written exam
  3. skill test
  4. medical test
  5. merit list
official site

Assam Rifles Recruitment 2022 Notification

Office of the Directorate General Assam Rifles released the official notification Assam Rifles Recruitment 2022 Notification PDF for the recruitment of Group B & C Technical and Tradesman on the official website i.e. The official notification contains all the important information related to the recruitment process including eligibility criteria, selection process, vacancy details and other information. We have provided the official notification PDF in the below link. Candidates can directly download Assam Rifles Recruitment 2022 Notification PDF from here.

Assam Rifles Recruitment 2022 Notification PDF- Click Here to Download

Assam Rifles Recruitment 2022 – Important Dates

planning Dates
Assam Rifles notification release date 13 April 2022
Assam Rifles Apply Online Starting 2022 6 June 2022
Last date for submission of application 20 July 2022 (11:59 PM)
Last date to pay application fee to be informed
admit card release date to be informed
Assam Rifles Written Test/PST/PT/Skill Test From 01 September 2022 onwards [tentative]

Assam Rifles Recruitment 2022 – Tradesman

The Written Test/PST/PT/Skill Test for Assam Rifles Recruitment 2022 is tentatively scheduled from 01st September 2022 at various centers and it will take approx 20-30 days to complete this recruitment process. Candidates can check the table given below for Important Dates related to Assam Rifles Recruitment 2022.

Assam Rifles Recruitment 2022 Apply Online

Online application window is activated from 6th June 2022 and the last date of application is 20th July 2022, Candidates should apply online before the last date to avoid unwanted nuisance like site does not open, takes too long to load, etc. The direct link to apply online for Assam Rifles Recruitment 2022 is provided here for the ease of the candidates.

Assam Rifles Recruitment 2022. Click here to apply online for

Assam Rifles Recruitment 2022

The total number of vacancies released for Assam Rifles Recruitment 2022 is 1380. The vacancies are released for various posts like Clerk, Religious Teacher, Radio Mechanic, etc. The post wise vacancy distribution is as follows:

post name Number of Vacancies
Bridges and Roads (Male and Female) 17
Clerk (Male & Female) 287
religious teacher 9
operator radio and line 729
radio mechanic 72
asarkar 48
lab assistant 13
nursing assistant 100
veterinary field assistant 10
Aya (Paramedical) 15
Washerman 80
gross 1380

Assam Rifles Recruitment 2022 Eligibility Criteria

To get selected for various posts under Assam Rifles Recruitment 2022, candidates must fulfill the required educational qualification and age limit criteria. Candidates can check the post-wise eligibility criteria mentioned in the table below.

Assam Rifles Recruitment 2022- Educational Qualification

Only dependent family members of Assam Rifles personnel who were killed in action, died while in service, were discharged from service on medical grounds, and were missing while in service, only through compassionate ground appointment. are eligible to apply for the Assam Rifles Recruitment.

post name Qualification
Bridges and Roads (Male and Female) 10th pass + Diploma in Civil Engineering for Bridge
Clerk (Male & Female) 12th pass + English Typing @ 35 wpm & Hindi Typing @ 30 wpm
religious teacher Graduation with related subjects
operator radio and line 10th pass + 12th pass with ITI in relevant field OR Non-Medical
radio mechanic 10th pass + 12th pass with Diploma in relevant field OR Non-Medical
asarkar 10th pass
lab assistant 10th pass
nursing assistant 10th pass
veterinary field assistant 12th pass + Diploma in Veterinary Science
Aya (Paramedical) 10th pass
Washerman 10th pass

Assam Rifles Recruitment 2022- Age Limit

The minimum age to apply in Assam Rifles Tradesman Recruitment 2022 according to various posts is 18 years and maximum age limit is 23/25 years. Candidates can check below mentioned age limit for Assam Rifles Vacancy 2022.

post name Age Range
Bridges and Roads (Male and Female) 18-23 years
Clerk (Male & Female) 18-25 years
religious teacher 18-25 years
operator radio and line 18-25 years
radio mechanic 18-25 years
asarkar 18-23 years
lab assistant 18-23 years
nursing assistant 18-23 years
veterinary field assistant 18-25 years
Aya (Paramedical) 18-23 years
Washerman 18-25 years

Assam Rifles Recruitment 2022-Age Relaxation

The category wise age relaxation for reserved category candidates and ex-servicemen is given below in the table:

grade age relaxation
SC/ST 5 years
Other backward classes 3 years
Serving Assam Rifles Personnel (Gen/OBC) up to the age of 40
Serving Assam Rifles Personnel (SC/ST) up to the age of 45
Ex-Servicemen (UR) 3 years
Ex-Servicemen (OBC) 6 years
Ex-Servicemen (SC/ST) 8 years

Assam Rifles Recruitment 2022- Exam Pattern

  • The written test consists of 100 multiple choice type questions from four sections i.e. English Language, Reasoning Ability, Quantitative Aptitude and General Awareness.
  • Each section consists of 25 questions and each question is of one mark.
  • The written exam will be conducted in offline mode.
  • Students can find the Assam Rifles Exam Pattern below-
subjects questions scar Duration
english language 25 25 2 hours
reasoning ability 25 25
Quantitative Aptitude 25 25
general awareness 25 25
gross 100 100

Assam Rifles Syllabus 2022

For the ease of the candidates, we have provided a detailed syllabus for Assam Rifles Recruitment 2022 below:

Section 1: English Language

The English language section covers the following topics:

  1. Replacement
  2. preposition
  3. Change
  4. spotting error
  5. Passage Closing
  6. sentence arrangement
  7. active and passive voice
  8. synonyms and antonyms
  9. paragraph closing
  10. spelling test
  11. joining sentences
  12. sentence completion
  13. idioms and phrases
  14. sentence correction
  15. fill in the blank
  16. Error correction (phrases in bold)
  17. Error Correction (underlined part)

Section 2: Reasoning Ability

Reasoning Ability section covers the following topics:

  1. arithmetic number series
  2. similarities and differences
  3. decision making
  4. picture series
  5. concept of relationship
  6. analogy
  7. space visualization
  8. coding-decoding
  9. arithmetic logic
  10. guidance
  11. analysis and decision
  12. visual memory
  13. problem solving
  14. verbal and picture classification
  15. discrimination
  16. data sufficiency

Section 3: Quantitative Aptitude

The Quantitative Aptitude section consists of the following topics:

  1. boats and streams
  2. simple and compound interest
  3. Ratio and Proportion
  4. pipe and cistern
  5. HCF and LCM
  6. number system
  7. Profit and Loss
  8. Percent
  9. problems with age
  10. average
  11. Time and Distance
  12. Discount
  13. data interpretation
  14. mix and charge
  15. time and work

Section 4: General Awareness

The General Awareness section covers the following topics:

  1. history
  2. Geography
  3. Politics
  4. environment
  5. current affairs

Assam Rifles Physical Standard Test (PST)

The Physical Standard Test for Assam Rifles Recruitment 2022 consists of measurement of height of all candidates and chest measurement of male candidates only.

parameters grade Male female
height General / OBC / SC 170 cm 157 cm
scheduled tribe 162.5 cm 150 cm
Chest expansion (only for men) General / OBC / SC 80 – 85 cm Zero
scheduled tribe 78 – 83 cm Zero

Assam Rifles Physical Efficiency Test (PET)

The Physical Efficiency Test will test the running ability of the candidates. Below are the different criteria for running for both men and women.

gender distance Time
Male 5 km 24 minutes
female 1.6 km 8.3 minutes

Assam Rifles Admit Card 2022

Assam Rifles Recruitment 2022 Admit Card will release in August 2022 on the official website of Directorate General Assam Rifles i.e @ Candidates can download their admit card from the link given below. We will update the Assam Rifles Recruitment 2022 Admit Card as soon as it is available on the official website.

Click Here to Download Assam Rifles Admit Card 2022 (Link Inactive)

Assam Rifles Recruitment 2022- Frequently Asked Questions

Q. How many Vacancies are released for Assam Rifles Recruitment 2022?
Answer. A total of 1380 vacancies have been released for Technical and Tradesman posts.

Q. What is the exam date of Assam Rifles Exam 2022?
Answer. The tentative exam date for Assam Rifles Exam 2022 is 01 September 2022.

Question. When will the admit card for Assam Rifles Recruitment 2022 be released?
Answer. Assam Rifles Recruitment 2022 Admit Card will release in August 2022.

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