CSIR NET Chemical Science Syllabus 2024, New Exam Pattern

CSIR NET Chemical Science Syllabus has been released by NTA on its official website. CSIR NET Chemistry syllabus includes subjects like Inorganic Chemistry, Physical Chemistry, Organic Chemistry and interdisciplinary subjects etc. Before starting your preparation, you must be familiar with the latest NET Chemistry syllabus.

CSIR NET Chemical Science Syllabus 2024

CSIR NET Chemical Science Syllabus has been released along with CSIR NET Notification PDF. Candidates who are willing to appear in NET Exam 2024 must be well aware of CSIR Chemical Science Syllabus. CSIR NET Chemical Science Syllabus has been divided into small topics for ease of understanding of the candidates. They should have in-depth knowledge of the vastness of NTA NET Chemical Science Syllabus.

CSIR NET Chemistry Syllabus Section Wise

CSIR NET Chemical Science Syllabus is divided into three parts i.e. A, B and C. Part A is the common part for all the posts, and Part B and C mainly cover related topics. Some important topics are enantioselectivity, principles of organic chemistry and chiral auxiliaries, nuclear reactions, fission and fusion, enzyme kinetics etc.

CSIR NET Chemistry Syllabus for Part A

Candidates can access CSIR NET Chemical Science General Paper in the table given below. Candidates should check the topics to understand the length and vastness of NET Chemical Science Syllabus for General Paper.

CSIR NET Chemistry Syllabus: Part A
Graphical Analysis and Data Interpretation pie chart
line and bar charts
mode, median, mean
measures of dispersion
logic puzzle
series production
clock and calendar
direction and distance
coding and decoding
Ranking and arrangement
numerical ability geometry
ratio and variation
time and work
permutations and combinations
compound and simple interest

CSIR NET Chemistry Syllabus for Part B and C

Candidates have a look at Part B and C of CSIR NET Chemistry syllabus below. There is a negative marking of 25% for each wrong answer.

CSIR NET Earth Science Syllabus: Part B and Part C

organic Chemistry
Commonly named reactions and rearrangements Applications of organic synthesis.
asymmetric synthesis Resolution – optical and kinetic.
Determination of enantiomeric and diastereomeric excess
chiral assistant
Asymmetric induction methods- substrate, reagent and catalyst-controlled reactions.
principles of stereochemistry configurational and conformational isomerism
asymmetric induction
Geography of India
determination of organic compounds IR and UV-Vis
Mass spectroscopic methods
Concepts in Organic Synthesis disconnection
protect groups
Linear and Convergent Synthesis
pericyclic reactions cycloaddition
Sigmatropic rearrangement, electrocyclization
Other related concrete reactions.
Principles of organic chemistry and applications of photochemical reactions.
inorganic Chemistry
Concepts of Acid and Base non-aqueous solvent
Hard-soft acid-base concept.
organometallic compounds bond and structure
bond and structure
Reactivity, and synthesis.
Organometallics in Homogeneous Catalysis.
bioinorganic chemistry porphyrins
oxygen transport
Nitrogen fixation.
metal complexes in medicine
nuclear chemistry Radio-analytical techniques
activation analysis
Nuclear reactions, fission and fusion.
internal transition element redox chemistry
spectral and magnetic properties
analytical applications
chemical periodicity periodic table
physical Chemistry
chemical applications group theory
symmetry element
Character Table.
solid state Bragg’s law and applications
band structure of solids
Crystal Structures.
polymer chemistry dynamics of polymerization
Molar mass.
Colloids and surfaces Isotherms and surface area
heterogeneous catalysis
Properties of colloids.
atomic structure spectroscopy
antisymmetry principle
Many-electron systems.
data analysis absolute and relative errors
covariance and correlation coefficient
mean and standard deviation
principles of quantum mechanics operator algebra
orbital and spin angular momentum
chemical kinetics complex reactions
determination of reaction mechanism
steady-state approximation
Empirical rate law and temperature dependence
enzyme kinetics
molecular spectroscopy Basic principles of magnetic resonance
electronic spectra
Rotational and vibrational spectra of diatomic molecules.
Approximate methods of quantum mechanics Perturbation theory up to second order in energy
Variational principle; And its applications.
Elementary Concepts of MO and VB Theories Huckel’s principle
Chemical bonds in diatomics.
electrochemistry Covers topics such as ionic equilibrium
Conductometric and potentiometric titrations
debiehuckel principle
interdisciplinary topics
CSIR NET Chemistry Interdisciplinary Subject environmental chemistry
supramolecular chemistry
Chemistry in Nano Science and Technology
medicinal Chemistry
Catalysis and Green Chemistry

Download CSIR NET Chemical Science Syllabus 2024 PDF

CSIR NET is a single-paper examination consisting of multiple choice questions (MCQs). It is important to keep the NET Chemical Science Syllabus PDF as a document on your device to access or share it with others at any time. Candidates can access NTA NET Chemical Science Syllabus PDF from the link given below

CSIR NET Chemistry Syllabus PDF

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