How to stay continuously and concentrated during a long preparation journey?

The preparation of highly competitive exams such as any government exam and especially UPSC, SSC or RBI and other exams can be very complex and long and it is very important for the success of a candidate and focusing on this long preparation journey. Constant and regular in practice during exam preparation is a very important element in cleaning the final cutoff. This article is completely based on how to be consistent and concentrated during long preparation journey.

Set clear goals and study plans

Determining realistic goals is a very important step and a study plan to pursue those goals is very important to be consistent.

  • Set your final goal: Set a final goal and underline what you want to achieve in the end, whether it is cracking the exam or something else. Write it on a paper and paste it where you study to keep motivated.
  • Break it in small stages: Break your goal into small and achieving goals such as (daily, weekly and monthly goals) to track your progress more easily.
  • Create a realistic study schedule: Design a timetable that balances hours of study, modification and brakes. Stick to a fixed time slot to create discipline.
  • Stay flexible but committed: Unexpected events can disrupt your schedule, adapt and restruct your plan without focusing your final goal.
  • Stick to your plan and avoid overloading: Do not make unrealistic expectations that lead to burnout. Get your goals more.

Stay inspired during the entire journey

To be inspired throughout the journey is a very important step that is to be consistent. If you are inspired then you will definitely try more to complete any task.

  • Remind reminiscent of your final goal: Keep your ultimate goal in mind and imagine your success. It will keep you inspired and will make you on the right path.
  • Celebrate your victory: Accept and reward yourself to meet daily or weekly goals. Even small achievements add and keeps you inspired.
  • Avoid negative self-discussion: Avoid thinking negatively about yourself and have a positive mindset. A positive mentality makes a big difference in long preparation travel.
  • Take a break: Do not study for a long time without rest, it will eliminate your inspiration. Take a short break during your studies to stay fresh.
  • Stay away from distractions: Limit your social media use and unnecessary activities that ruin your study time.

Create discipline and self-control

Candidates should try to study and distract themselves and create discipline to create a balanced and study -oriented routine.

  • Follow a certain schedule: Set a daily study schedule and stick to it. A structured routine helps to create persistent study habits over time.
  • Study every day: Make sure that you do at least at least to study at least every day, even if it is just modifying notes or solving some questions.
  • Start with small goals: Instead of overwhelming yourself with hours of study for a long time, start with short study sessions and gradually increase them.
  • Remove distractions: Identify what distracts you the most (social media, TV, unnecessary notifications) and create an environment friendly from these distractions.
  • Develop strong willpower: Whenever you feel like leaving a study session, remind yourself of long -term benefits of being disciplined.

Use smart study techniques

Candidates should use these smart techniques to study more effectively and more fun.

  • Active learning on passive reading: Instead of reading notes only, remember the concepts in your words actively remembering.
  • Practice recurrence: Re -see important topics at regular intervals to improve your retention in the exam.
  • Solve the mock test: Take a mock test or make mini quiz to check your understanding. This helps to identify weak areas and improve the skills of solving the problem.
  • Give priority to high weightage subjects: Pay attention to the topics that take more weightage to the exam to maximize your score.


It is very important to deal with your failure and to be consistent after those failures to be consistent.

  • Accept and accept failures: Instead of feeling discouraged, accept failures as part of the learning process. Every challenge is an opportunity to grow and improve.
  • Analyze what went wrong: Identify the causes behind mistakes and plan to fix them.
  • Adjust your approach: If a special study method is not working, be flexible and try new techniques.
  • Pay attention to progress, not perfection: Do not try to be right every once and pay more attention to improve every time. Even slight progress is a step towards success.
  • Practice Mindfulness and Stress Management: Meditation, deep breathing, or even low walks can help you clean your mind and reduce anxiety.

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