CSIR NET Chemical Science Examination, Important Topics for Section War

CSIR NET Chemical Science Examination will be conducted soon. Conducted by the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR), the NET exam aims to determine the eligibility of candidates for Junior Research Fellowship (JRF) and Lectureship/Assistant Professor Rolls in Indian Universities and Colleges. To clean this exam, chemical science, strategic preparation and deep understanding of clear attention are required to be given a deep understanding. In this article, we will discuss the most important topics for CSIR NET Chemical Science Exam Pattern, Marking System, Qualifying Marx and candidate who want to qualify the exam.

CSIR net chemical science exam pattern

CSIR NET Chemical Science Examination is conducted in Indian universities and colleges to determine the eligibility of candidates for Junior Research Fellowship (JRF) and Lectureship/Assistant Professor posts. The examination is divided into three parts with 200 marks and is conducted for 3 hours. The question paper is divided into multiple choice questions (MCQ), and the distribution of questions is as follows:

Section Total Questions Questions to try Per question mark Negative marking
Part A (General Qualification) 20 15 2 0.5
Part b (core chemical science) 40 35 2 0.5
Part C (Advanced Chemical Science) 60 25 4 1

CSIR net chemical science marking system

The marking scheme for CSIR NET Chemical Science Examination is as follows:

  • Part a: 20 multi-class questions with negative marking of 0.5 marks for each incorrect answer, each value 2 marks.
  • Part be: 40 multiple choice questions with the same negative marking system, each value 2 digits.
  • Part s: This section includes 60 multi-favorite questions, each value with 4 digits, negative marking of 1 digit for the wrong answer.

CSIR net chemical science qualification mark

To qualify for CSIR NET Chemical Science Examination, candidates need to secure the following minimum percentage marks:

  • normal range: 33% combined in Part A, B, and C.
  • OBC/SC/ST/PWD candidates: 25% combined in Part A, B, and C.

Important topic for CSIR NET Chemical Sciences Section-War

To excel in CSIR NET Chemical Science Examination, candidates should focus on the following important subjects Section-wise:

Important topic for CSIR NET Chemical Science Part A

CSIR NET Part A focuses on general aptitude, testing the logical arguments, numerical ability and analytical skills of the candidates. It contains 20 questions, 15 of which should be attempted, cut by 2 points in each correct answer and 0.5 points for the wrong answer.

  • Mathematical methods: Calculus, algebra, difference equation, vector analysis.
  • general Science: Applied biology, general qualification, analytical logic and logical logic.
  • Physical chemistry concepts: The basic principle of atomic structure, gaseous state, electrochemistry and thermodynamics.

Important topic for CSIR NET Chemical Science Part B

CSIR NET Part B delays the core chemical science subjects, assesses the understanding of candidates of fundamental concepts in inorganic chemistry, organic chemistry, physical chemistry and analytical chemistry. This section consists of 40 questions, with 35 attempts to be made, and each correct answer is worth 2 digits, with a 0.5-mark penalty for the wrong answer.

physical Chemistry:

  • Quantum Chemistry: Wave Functions, Operator, Shrodinger Equation, Quantum Mechanics.
  • Chemical Kinetics: Rate Law, Response Tantra, Cutlesis, Temperature Regulation.
  • Thermodynamics: thermodynamics, bag, entropy, free energy, rules of chemical capacity.
  • Group theory: symmetry operations, point group, character table, molecular orbitals.
  • Surface Chemistry: Application, colloids, cutleis, surface stress, application of surface chemistry.

organic Chemistry:

  • Stereochemistry: Isomerism, Chillati, Optical and Geometric Isomerism.
  • Response intermediate: carboxes, carbon, free radicals and their stability.
  • Organic photochemistry: photochemical reaction, photographic process, photoizomization.
  • Periclicic reactions: mechanisms, electocyclic reactions, cycloddation, sigmetropic rebellion.
  • Organic spectroscopy: IR spectroscopy, NMR spectroscopy, mass spectroscopy, UV-Viz Spectroscopy.

inorganic Chemistry:

  • Chemical relations: Valence bond theory, molecular orbital principles, hybridization.
  • Coordination Compounds: Ligands, Naming, Relationship, Isomerism, Crystal Field Theory.
  • Organomatelic Chemistry: Organomatic Compound, Metal-Ligand Bonding, Application.
  • Bioinorganic chemistry: metal ions in organic systems, enzyme-upright reactions.
  • Inorganic spectroscopy: UV-visible spectroscopy, infrared spectroscopy, atomic magnetic resonance (NMR).

Important topic for CSIR NET Chemical Science Part C

CSIR Net Part C is the most advanced section, which focuses on advanced chemical science subjects and interdisciplinary fields. It tests the intensive knowledge and application skills of the candidates in high-level disciplines such as organomatelic chemistry, percycleic reactions, statistical thermodynamics and molecular spectra. This part consists of 60 questions, of which 25 should be tried, each takes 4 marks in each correct answer and there is a cut of 1 point for the wrong answer.

physical Chemistry:

  • Quantum chemistry: disturbance theory, heart-focus method, molecular orbitals.
  • Chemical and statistical thermodynamics: partition function, gibs enchanted, phase infection.
  • Chemical Kinetics: Integrated Rate Act, complex reactions, chemical mobility.
  • Molecular spectra: rotational, vibration and electronic spectra, Raman spectroscopy.
  • Electrochemistry: Electrochemical Cell, Pottensiometry, Electrolytic conductivity.
  • Group theory: Application for molecular symmetry, vibration mode, character tables.

organic Chemistry:

  • Response system: replacement, elimination, addition, resurrection reactions.
  • Regional: Organomatic reagent, reagent in redox reactions, synthesis.
  • Nomination reactions: Phekalstein reaction, ginger reaction, aldol condensation.
  • Periclicic reactions: detailed mechanisms, reaction status and application.

inorganic Chemistry:

  • Coordination compound: molecular orbit, spectral properties, magnetism.
  • Organomatial Chemistry: Application in metal-ligand interaction, catalisis.
  • F-block elements: lanthnides, actinides, chemistry and application.
  • Main group elements: Group 1-2 and 13–18 chemistry, trends and applications of reactivity.

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