KVS PRT Syllabus 2025, Primary Teacher Exam Pattern and Course

The Center is organized for the recruitment of primary teachers in all Kendriya Vidyalayas across India for B.Ed. Graduate. Candidates interested in KVS PRT posts will have to undergo detailed KVS PRT syllabus 2025 to understand the criteria of primary teacher examination. In the article below, we have discussed full details related to full KVS primary teacher syllabus, exam pattern, marking scheme, subject-wise marking distribution, and KVS PRT exam 2025.

Kvs PRT syllabus 2025

The KVS PRT exam will be conducted as a computer-based test, and there will be 4 papers with 180 questions. The duration of KVS PRT CBT is 2hr 30min.

KVS Primary Teacher Syllabus 2025
Recruitment body Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan
Recruitment KVS PRT Recruitment 2025
post name Primary teacher
Social class Syllabus
Examination level Central level examination
Examination method Online (computer based test)
exam period 2 hours 30 minutes
marking scheme 1 mark
Negative marking No
Selection process Written + interview
official website www.kvsangathan.nic.in

KVS PRT exam pattern 2025 (revised)

The revised KVS exam pattern for primary teacher examination has been discussed in the section below.

  1. The KVS Primary Teacher Paper is divided into 4 parts with 180 McQs for every 1 digit.
  2. The medium of exam will be English and Hindi.
  3. The duration of KVS PRT exam is 2 hours 30 minutes (180 minutes).
  4. The KVS PRT exam pattern 2025 perspective on education and leadership is included.
  5. The mode of KVS PRT exam 2025 will be online (computer-based test).
KVS PRT exam pattern 2025
Parts Subjects Number of questions total marks Duration
Part- I general English 10 10 2 hours 30 minutes
(180 minutes)
General hindi 10 10
Part-II General awareness and current affairs 10 10
Argument capacity 5 5
computer literacy 5 5
Part-III Perspective on education and leadership 60 60
Part-iv Related topics 80 80
Total 180 180

KVS Primary Teacher Syllabus 2025

To understand the level of questions asked in the examination, go through the detailed and updated KVS courses 2025 for the Primary Teachers (PRT) examination for all parts.

KVS PRT Syllabus 2025 Part 1

KVS Primary Teacher Part 1 includes questions from general English and general Hindi. The detailed KVS PRT course for Part 1 is updated here.

KVS PRT courses for general English

Go through subjects to be covered under the General English section as listed below:

  1. Material
  2. statement
  3. Pre -essence
  4. Punctuation
  5. Understanding
  6. Fill spaces
  7. adverb
  8. error correction
  9. Sentences
  10. Unseen route
  11. vocabulary
  12. Vigorous word
  13. Synonyms
  14. For ideas
  15. verb
  16. period
  17. Adjective
  18. Model
  19. sound
  20. subject verb agreement

KVS Pret Syllabus for General Hindi

The subjects to be included in the general Hindi section are in the form of FFOLLOWS:

  1. Language
  2. Noun
  3. Pronoun
  4. Adjective
  5. verb
  6. Unseen
  7. Promise
  8. gender
  9. Prefix and suffix
  10. Sentences
  11. Synonym
  12. Vivid
  13. Unclear
  14. Synonyms
  15. Identification and use of punctuation
  16. Idiom and Proverbs
  17. Jewelery
  18. Treaty
  19. Similar
  20. Tadbhav
  21. Indigenous and foreign words
  22. Compound

KVS PRT Syllabus 2025 for PRT

KVS Primary Teacher Part 2 includes general knowledge and current affairs, regional ability, computer literacy, education and related topics. Detailed KVS PRT course for Part 2 is updated here.

Kvs pgt paper 2 syllabus 2025
Subjects Subject
General knowledge and current function
  1. Important day
  2. Indian history
  3. Important books and author
  4. Important conditions in general politics
  5. All important Indian national movement
  6. Important awards and honors
  7. International and national organizations
  8. Science – Invention and Search
  9. Budget and five year plans
  10. Current Affairs – National and International
  11. Indian economy, capital of India
  12. Important program in sports
  13. Short,
  14. Countries and capitals
  15. Science Technology
  16. Sports and important programs
Argument capacity
  1. Arithmetic number chain
  2. Spatial orientation
  3. Relation concepts
  4. Arithmetic argument
  5. Nor oral series
  6. Overview
  7. Data classification
  8. Upma, discrimination
  9. Letter and symbol chain
  10. Visual memory
  11. similarities and differences
  12. Spatial visualization
  13. Oral classification
  14. Coding and decoding etc.
  15. Number chain
  16. Compulsory part
  17. Oral arguments, logical problems
  18. Details and conclusions
  19. Statement and argument
  20. Letter and symbol chain
  21. Upma
  22. Find the theme,
  23. Causes and effects
  24. logical deduction,
  25. Artificial language
computer literacy
  1. Important rules and computer basics
  2. Use paint brush
  3. About desktops and computer external devices
  4. Word processor and important words related to it
  5. To form a word document,
  6. Internet
  7. Computer history
  8. Word processor
  9. Discover windows
  10. PPT or power point presentation, etc.
  11. Computer history

KVS PRT Syllabus 2025 for Part 3

(A) Understanding the learner

• Increase, maturity and development of concepts, debate, development work and challenges
• Domain of development: physical, cognitive, socio-emotional, moral etc., deviation in development and its implications.
• Understanding adolescence: requirements, challenges and implications for designing institutional support.
• Role of primary and secondary socialization agencies. To ensure the continuity of home school.

(b) Understanding teaching teaching

• Theoretical outlook on learning -With Kihivism, Cognitives and Constructionism
Special reference for their implications for:
• Teacher’s role
• Role of learner
• Nature of teacher-student relationship
• The choice of teaching methods
• Class environment
• understanding of discipline, power etc.
• Factors that affect learning and their implications:
• Designing class instructions,
• Planning student activities and,
• Creating a place to learn in school.
• Scheme and organization of teaching teaching
• Concept, overt and hidden courses of courses and courses
• Basic literacy and numerical, childhood care and education
• Qualification-based education, experienced education, etc.
• Instructional Planning: -Sear Plan, Unit Plan, Lesson Plan
• Instructional Materials and Resources
• Information and Communication Technology for Teaching Teaching (ICT)
• Assessment of learning, to learn and as learning: meaning, purpose and idea in planning each.
• Increase teaching learning processes: class observation and response, reflection and communication as a means of creative teaching
C) Creating a favorable learning environment
• Concepts of diversity, disability and inclusion, implications of disability in the form of social construction, type of disability-their identity and intervention
• The concept of mental health, addressing the therapeutic, preventive and campaigner dimensions of mental health for all students and employees. Provision for guidance and consultation. Developing school and community as a learning resource.

(d) School organization and leadership

• Leader as a reflective businessman, team builder, creator, coach and mentor.
• perspective on school leadership: directed, distributed and transformative
• Vision Building, Gol Settings and a school development plan
• Using school procedures and forums to strengthen teaching teaching-annual calendar, time-tobling, parents-teacher forums, school assembly, teacher development forums, achievement data for teaching, education, school self-evaluation and improvement Use
• Partnership with community, industry and other neighboring schools and higher education institutions – Formation of learning communities

(() Approach in education
• The role of the school in achieving the objectives of education.
• NEP -2020: Early childhood care and education: the foundation of learning; Basic literacy and numerical; Courses and education in schools: overall and integrated teaching; Justice and inclusive education: learning for all; Qualification based learning and education.
• Guiders’ principles for child rights, protecting and providing rights of school environment for children’s rights, rights of children’s free and compulsory education act, 2009, historically with special reference to school education To study national policies in education;
• School course theory: perspective, learning and knowledge, course fields, school stages – education and evaluation.

KVS PRT Course (Part 4) for related subjects

The related topics involved in KVS PRT syllabus are as follows-

  1. chemistry
  2. Economics
  3. English
  4. Physics
  5. Maths
  6. History
  7. Geography
  8. biology
  9. Commerce and computer science
  10. Hindi

KVS PRT courses for general science

Living world, universe, substance, speed, food, plants and animals, strength and speed, atom, gas, energy, acceleration, our country, our environment, natural resources

KVS PRT courses for mathematics

Number system, LCM and HCF, geometry, menstrual, profit and loss, average, percentage, ratio and ratio, speed, distance and time, CI & ST, linear equation, size and remedy, size, etc.

KVS Pret Syllabus for Environmental Sciences

Democracy, panchayat, population growth, disease, natural disasters, air, water, soil, resource, development, map of India, nation freedom movement, culture, five years plan, transport, communication, etc.

KVS PRT Syllabus PDF (Related SSUBJECTS): Click to download

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