LIC AAO Salary Structure 2025, In-Hand Salary, Pay Scale and Job Profile

License AAO Salary 2025

Last year, Life Insurance Corporation of India (LIC) amended the salary for the position of Assistant Administrative Officer (AAO) last year. LIC AAO salary is a major attraction for graduate candidates, which is why every year, millions of candidates compete for this job opportunity. The LIC AAO salary package includes various benefits and allowances that are entitled to receive each employee. This article offers a detailed observation of salary for LIC Assistant Administrative Officers, as well as with allowances and allowances available to them.

License aao in-hand salary 2025

Initial revised basic salary given to an LIC Assistant Administrative Officer Is Rupee. 53600/- per month. According to the revised LIC AAO salary, the size of compensation will increase four advances Rupee. 53600- 2645 (14) -90630- 2865 (4) -102090, This means that AAO will get an original of Rs 53600 with an increase of Rs 2645 for the next 14 years, followed by an annual increase of Rs 2865 for the next four years with an original of Rs 90630. The maximum basic salary for LIC AAO posts will be around Rs 102090.

The total inclusion on the scale of home rent allowance, compensatory allowance of the city, etc., wherever it is acceptable based on the classification of the city, will be around 99228/- about 99228/- in the city of A-Class about 99228/-.

License AAO pay structure 2025

The pay structure below has been prepared according to the revised LIC AAO salary, who are dreaming for the job opportunity of the candidates LIC Assistant Administrative Officer, they should be aware of the increased salary stractor.

License AAO pay structure 2025
Basic pay Rupee. 53,600
Special allowance Rupee. 4,500
And Rupee. 32210
HRA Rupee. 5360
Transport allowance Rupee. 1,960
CCA Rupee. 1608
gross salary Rupee. 99228
Cut (PF/Income Tax/Professional Tax/Pension) Rupee. 10561
net salary Rupee. 88,667

License AAO pay deduction

LIC AAO IE from Gross Salary of RS. 99228The following monthly cuts will be done after which the authorities get In-hand salary of rupee. 88,667Check the LIC AAO pay deduction as detailed below.

License AAO pay deduction
Description amount
New Rupee. 137/-
Mediclaim Rupee. 200/-
Giss Rupee. 3,050/-
Giss Rupee. 241/-
DCP Rupee. 6,933/-
Total cuts Rupee. 10,561

License aoo probation period

A candidate will be operational after appointment Probation for a period of one year from date of joiningThis period can be extended for two years. During the period of probation, candidates will be subject to continuous evaluation according to the existing policy of the corporation. If any candidate fails to achieve the minimum standard, his services can be abolished according to the policy of the corporation at the time of content.

License AAO Salary- Guarantee Bond

LIC has set up a guarantee bond for selected candidates for the position of LIC AAO (Assistant Administrative Officer). Before starting their role as probationers, candidates will have to provide an undertaking to serve the LIC for a minimum period of four years from the date of joining, including the perpetuivist period. If they fail to fulfill this commitment, they or their successors, executors and administrators will be liable to pay liquid damage to the rupee. 5,00,000 (Rs five lakh) plus applied GST. The candidate will also be responsible by implementing any GST or other.

License AAO Salary- Job Profile

The following are the roles and responsibilities of a LIC Assistant Administrative Officer (AAO) are given below-

  1. The LIC Assistant Administrative Officer will have to prepare new schemes and examine the pre -existing and new policies.
  2. The LIC Assistant Administrative Officer has to maintain and file customers’ claims and settlements.
  3. Providing and coordinating with other departments concerned.
  4. Maintain a cordial relationship with customers, interact with them, and come up with a solution to their questions.
  5. To complete the tasks handed over by higher departmental officers.
  6. Observing existing facts and indicating factual errors.

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