Hello friends, a big update has come from Government in which a new PAN card has been issued to all of you who have a PAN card in their pockets. So first of all this is what Gorman wants inside Pen 2.O! The process currently used to make Pen Cards is 15 and 20 years old! And the way in which technology has increased a lot in today’s time. So, after making the Pen Card, a new system should be created in which all of you will be given a new updated Pen Card which will have many security features, now inside it the Pen Card which will be issued is a key on your Pen Card. The code will be present and the information can be seen on real time through this QR Code. So, first of all, let me tell you that Pen has become such a part of our life in today’s date! Through this, we can do any big transaction, open a bank account or buy anything that we want to buy.
Whose price is above Rs 50 thousand! So in this case this is Pen Card! We need to apply Pen Card is one such card! In which all your financial history is there. How much property do you have? What is your income? Your expenses! In what way!
In this way many activities are recorded on this pen card. A dynamic QR code will be given inside the Pen 2.O, the process is going on now! It will be greatly strengthened to make it which contains the data of all of you. Her wardrobe likes to be very secure! Along with this, the system of tax collection!
Wants to inform him too! So here is going to be Pen 2.O! So inside this, a new Pen Card will still be issued to you, now it is not that your old Pen Card has expired. Now let me tell you what is Dynamic QR Code. A lot of information can be stored in it!
And whatever information you have with the Income Tax Department on real time can also be updated through this QR Code. So if you are a Pen Card holder, your Pen Card is already made! So, will your old Pen Card get damaged and will you have to make a new Pen Card, then it is not so if your Pen Card is already made.
All of you will get the option of free update. Here you all will get the new copy of Pen Card by authenticating it through Aadhaar in a digital manner. In the rest of the new feature, the platform for making Pen Card will also be greatly updated. Here all of you are still required to submit a lot of documents. The process to make Pen Card!
That too will be quite interesting, you will be able to create a new Pen Card on which your QR Code will also be present. Now here, if you want to update your Pen Card, then here is the process regarding it. It is about to start but no one has come to the portal yet!
But whenever the portal starts, the first thing you need to do for authentication is your mobile number from your Pen Card. You will have to update the current mobile number. How to update it? You can do this even today if you have a Pen Card. It is quite old! And your latest mobile number is not updated!
So, this will be your Pen Card. If you are making a new updated Pen Card using your old Pen Card, with QR Code, then whenever you apply for making this Pen Card, your Aadhaar Card, whatever your current information will be. According to that, your new Pen Card will be generated.