Possibilities of 5G Technology

Possibilities of 5G Technology

The fifth generation mobile network or 5G is the next level of mobile networks that will shape the fourth industrial revolution (Industrial 4.0) quality of service delivery, innovation, etc., by facilitating more efficient and developing societies.

Commercial 5G networks began to be deployed by the year 2020 and are expected to reach 12% (1.1 billion) of world mobile connections by the year 2025 and generate up to US$1.3 trillion in revenue for operators.

The technology used by 5G will improve data transfer speeds to unexpectedly high levels (around 100 times higher speeds) and help services by reducing latency. Thus, 5G is necessary and important, but India needs to consider whether it is ready to deploy this technology or not.


The new generation mobile network has the transformative potential of providing massive benefits to the Indian economy, which when advanced with artificial intelligence, provides a new dimension to connected and autonomous systems.

Its use can provide an opportunity for Indian policy makers to educate and empower citizens and businesses and transform existing cities into smart and innovative cities.

Socio-economic benefits: It can give citizens and communities the opportunity to reap the socio-economic benefits and features provided by a vastly advanced, more data-intensive, digital economy.

Broadly speaking, 5G usage in India includes topics such as advanced outdoor and indoor broadband, Internet of Things, smart cities, smart agriculture, energy monitoring, remote monitoring, smart grids, telehealth, industrial automation, remote patient monitoring and industrial automation. may be involved.

There is huge potential for India to move towards an advanced digital revolution.

related issues

Late Adaptor: Countries in the Asia-Pacific region such as India, Bangladesh and Indonesia are delayed in the adoption of 5G technology, so they will receive negligible revenue from the service.

Such ‘late adopter’ countries are not expected to receive 5G mobile service revenue in the next 12-18 months.

Low Government Subsidies: Given the history of high reserve prices set by governments for spectrum auctions amid the current fiscal deficit, chances of government subsidies are slim.

‘Digital Divide’: 5G will not fill the digital divide between rural and urban areas in the short term, but will increase it further as the commercial viability of 5G is not reached even in urban areas.

Hence, it will not be easily available in rural areas as well.

5G- A Specific Service: 5G will be a specialized service as opposed to 3G and 4G (which are comprehensive services). It will intensify or intensify over a relatively longer period.

The rollout of 5G technology will be different from that of 4G; It will be introduced in specific regions and segments.

Inadequate access to previous technology: Consumers are still grappling with basic network issues like call drops and interrupted data services.

There are still areas where 4G networks have not stabilized, causing frequent disruptions to Internet services.

It is important to meet the quality of service standards of existing 4G networks before launching a new 5G platform.

Enabling critical infrastructure: 5G will require fundamental changes in the basic infrastructure of the communication system. The main drawback of data transfer using 5G is that it cannot transport data over long distances. Therefore, there will also be a need for infrastructural development of 5G technology to enable infrastructure.

Financial liability on consumers: For the transition from 4G to 5G technology, the latest cellular technology will have to be upgraded, resulting in financial liability on the consumers

way ahead

Analysis of existing infrastructure and capacity: India’s immediate priority is to identify end users and population to be covered, analysis of existing networks and operators, identify cities for 5G roll out, build an investment model and minimize digital risks. and pricing based on external themes and use of different areas.

There is a need to carefully plan the deployment of 5G in India after a cost benefit analysis by independent experts that will provide a level playing field through market mechanisms such as facilitation, simulation, auction, ensuring competition, dynamic market.

Sector-Friendly Steps: Since deployment of 5G networks is costly, both the central and state governments may need to consider measures that stimulate fiber investment, attract investment through Public Private Partnership (PPP) And provide the facility of investment funds on nominal interest basis.

Allowing 100% FDI in Telecom Sector under automatic route along with other policy reforms augurs well for this sector to attract investment. The implementation of 5G requires huge investment and the relief package is a welcome step in this context.

Tax issues: The government needs to address information asymmetry and negative externalities through laws and regulations/taxes and subsidies.

Deployment of 5G technology will also require access rights to government infrastructure such as traffic lights, lamp posts, where wireless operators can deploy electronic small cell equipment.

In addition, state and local governments can charge operators a reasonable fee for cost-effective deployment of 5G equipment.

In addition, removing the tax burden for deployment of fiber networks reduces associated costs, encourages investment (as Singapore has done) and can help facilitate smooth deployment of fiber in India.

Bridging the rural-urban gap: 5G can be deployed on different band spectrum and on low band spectrum; This range is wide which will be helpful for rural areas.

Government Support: The government has complete control over the inputs. One of the major inputs of 5G is band spectrum.

By managing the design of the spectrum, the government can control the price people pay.

The government can help telecom companies to set up networks that are sustainable and affordable to the public.

Dealing with the problem of spectrum pricing: The government has faced two unsuccessful auctions in the recent past. The second case was of 5G spectrum which completely failed to attract bids.

Current proposals for reserve prices clearly suggest the need to change prices to conduct a successful auction.

Considering the financial stress prevailing in this sector and the affordability of services, proper work on pricing will have to be done.

Enabling Manufacturing Sector in India: As 5G has started taking shape in India, it is important to strengthen the domestic telecom manufacturing market so that not only the users of 5G in India, but also the manufacturers and providers of these technologies can establish their presence in the global arena. be able to identify.

Viable technology from a consumer point of view: For widespread 5G deployment, it needs to be made financially viable, otherwise rural integration will remain a mere fantasy.

Along with this, 5G technology should also be viable for telecom operators.


Since India is already witnessing a digital revolution in its remote areas due to cost-effective 4G technology, 5G is used in the growth of the region and to facilitate India’s goal of emerging as a manufacturing and innovation hub. can play an important role in The negative impact of 5G is further widening the ‘digital divide’. Therefore, government policies should also focus on affordable coverage.

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