Treaty and Treaty breaking, Composition of compound words and compound analysis,Prefix, suffix, synonym, antonym, plural, word pair, making adjectives from noun words, word shuddhi: purification of impure words and the cause of verbal inaccuracies, sentence shuddhi: purification of impure sentences and the cause of syntactic inaccuracies, use of verbal subject, Verbs and adverbs, verbs: transitive, intransitive and past tense, meaningful words for phrases, idioms and proverbs, definitions of English Hindi synonyms of (technical) words, translation of simple, compound and compound English sentences into Hindi and translation of Hindi sentences into English, knowledge related to office letters.
Sequence of tenses, voice, narration, change of sentences, use and determination of articles, use of prepositions, translation of simple (common/ordinary) sentences from Hindi to English and vice versa, correction of sentences including subject, verb, agreement, Degrees of adjectives, conjunctions and wrongly used words, official terminology, technical terms (with their Hindi version), synonyms and antonyms, one word substitution, creating new words using prefixes and suffixes, confusing words, understanding, letters
- Major sources of history of Rajasthan
- Major prehistoric civilizations of Rajasthan
- Major dynasties of Rajasthan and their achievements
- Mughal-Rajput relations
- Main features of architecture
- Important Forts, Monuments and Structures
- Religious movements and folk deities of Rajasthan
- Major paintings, styles and handicrafts of Rajasthan
- Major works of Rajasthani language and literature, regional dialects
- Fairs, Festivals, Folk Music, Folk Dance, Musical Instruments and Jewelery
- Rajasthani culture, traditions and heritage
- Important historical tourist places
- Prominent personalities of Rajasthan
- Princely states of Rajasthan and British treaties, mass movement of 1857
- Peasant and Tribal Movement, Praja Mandal Movement
- Unification of Rajasthan
- Political awakening and development of Rajasthan with special reference to women.
- status and limits
- physical division
- drainage
- Climate, soil and natural vegetation
- Forest and Wildlife Conservation
- Environmental and ecological issues
- desertification
- Agro-climatic zones and major crops
- Animal
- Multipurpose Projects, Irrigation Projects
- Water Conservation and Transportation
- mineral resources
- Constitution of India, Governor, Chief Minister, State Legislative Assembly, High Court, Rajasthan PSC, District Administration, State Human Rights Commission, Lokayukta, State Election Commission, State Information Commission.
- Public Policy, Legal Rights and Citizen’s Charter
- macro perspective of the economy
- Major issues in agriculture, industry and service sectors
- growth, development and planning
- Infrastructure and resources
- Major Development Projects
- Major and current events of Rajasthan
- People and places in the news
- Sports and Sports Activities
- NREGA Act and Schemes
- basic chemistry
- basic electrical
- Environment
- beekeeping
- Immunity, vaccination, etc.
- Number
- Ratio and Proportion, Percentage, SI and CI, Profit and Loss, TSD, Time and Work
- Data Analysis and Interpretation
- Introduction to Computers and Windows
- Word Processing and Presentation
- spread the sheets
- Working with the Internet and e-mail
- Accounting Process: Journals and ledgers, which are helpful in preparing trial balance and final accounts with adjustments.
- Preparing bank reconciliation statement.
- Correction of errors.
- Need for accounting for depreciation, importance and methods of providing depreciation.
- Receipts and Payments Account and Income and Expenditure Account and Balance Sheet.
- Single Entry System Preparation of accounts from incomplete records.
- partnership accounts
- insurance claims
- Business: Introduction, Scope and Objectives: Business Ethics and Social Responsibilities of Business.
- Forms of business organizations:- Sole Proprietorship, Partnership and Company.
- Entrepreneurship: Concept, Importance and Causes of Low Growth Entrepreneurship in India
- Negotiable Instruments: Meaning and Types (Promissory Note, Bill of Exchange and Cheque).
- Sources of business finance.
- Advertisement: Meaning, Importance and Methods.
- Consumer rights and protection against exploitation.
- Human resource planning, recruitment, selection and training.
- Communication – Process, obstacles and suggestions to overcome obstacles.
- Discipline: Reasons and tips for effective discipline.
- Coordination: Importance and Principles
- Audit
- Accreditation
- internal control
- Valuation and verification of assets and liabilities
- Rights, duties and responsibilities of company auditor
- audit of government companies
- Audit Report and Audit Certificate
- indian economy
- Meaning, importance and objectives of economic planning in India. Basic features of the Eleventh Five Year Plan.
- population explosion
- Role and importance of agriculture in Indian economy
- Industrial development and prospects in India
- inflation
- Role and problems of public sector in India
- Impact of globalization and liberalization of agriculture and industry
- Role of multinational corporations in Indian economy
- foreign trade
- National income
- economy of rajasthan
- Rajasthan Service Rules Section 1
- GF and AR
- RTPP Act 2012 and RTPP Rules 2013