- food science and
- Properties of food – physical and chemical properties
- Quality assessment of food items-objective and
- food pigments and additives
- Food Standards, Microbiological Safety of Food, HACCP, Food
- Food groups – balanced diet, food pyramid, macro and micro
- Nutrients-Role of nutrients in the body, deficiency and requirements of nutrients
- public health nutrition
- Diagnostic and therapeutic
- Diet Counseling and Management
- Textile Terminology- Fiber, Yarn, Weaving, Fabric, Classification of Fibers, Yarn and Weaving, Identification of Fibers and Weaving.
- Manufacturing process, properties and ends of major natural and man-made fibres.
- Various methods of textile manufacturing- woven, knitted and non-woven fabrics, their properties and ends.
- Textile finishing-classification, processing and purposes of finishing
- Body Measurements, Requirements, Body Types and Anthropometry
- Tools and equipment used for manufacturing garments-advances and attachments used for sewing, types of machines used and their parts.
- Elements and principles of design and its application to apparel. Pictures and parts of garments.
- Fashion-Terminology, Fashion Cycle, Fashion Theories, Fashion Adoption, Fashion Forecasting and Factors Affecting Fashion.
- Pattern Making-Drafting, draping and flat pattern making techniques, pattern alteration and dart manipulation techniques.
- Management concepts, approaches, management of time, energy, money, space, motivating factors, motivation theories and decision making.
- Functions of management-planning, supervision, control, organizing, evaluation, stages of family life cycle, availability and utilization of resources.
- Resource-classification, characteristics, factors affecting utilization, resource conservation, time management, work simplification techniques, classes of changes, fatigue and its management.
- Management of natural resources- land, forest, water, air, water harvesting, municipal solid waste management, concept of sustainable development, SDGs.
- Fundamentals of Design – Elements of Art, Principles of Design, Principles of Composition.
- Color – Dimensions of color, psychological effects of color, color schemes and factors affecting the use of colors.
- Space planning and design-need and importance of housing, principles of space planning, types of house plans, economy in construction, planning for different income groups.
- Building regulations- norms and standards, zoning, housing for special groups and areas, and housing finance.
- Principles of growth and development, care during pregnancy and prenatal and neonatal development.
- Theories of human development and behavior.
- Early childhood care and education – activities to promote holistic development.
- Influence of family, peers, school, community and culture on personality development.
- Dynamics of marriage and family relationships.
- Family welfare approaches, programs and challenges, role in national development.
- Resolution of domestic violence, marital disputes, conflicts, disputes.
- Parent education, positive parenting, community education.
- Family disintegration, single parent families.
- Basics of Communication- Nature, Features, Functions, Process, Models, Elements, Principles, Barriers, Perception, Persuasion and Empathy, Types of Communication, Levels (Settings) of Communication Transactions and Process of Listening.
- Communication systems and communication theories- Human interaction theory, mass communication theory, message design theory, communication systems, culture and communication.
- Concept of development- theories, models, measurements and indicators of development.
- Concepts of development- communication models and approaches, diffusion and innovation, mass media, social marketing.
- Historical perspective of extension-origin of extension education and extension systems in India and other countries, objectives of extension education and extension service, philosophy and principles of extension program development.
- Program management- needs assessment, situation analysis, planning, organization, implementation, monitoring and evaluation.
- Extension methods and materials- interpersonal, small and large group methods, audio-visual aids-need, importance, planning, classification, preparation and field testing, use and evaluation of audio-visual materials.
- Curriculum development and planning for extension education and development activities, educational objectives and Bloom’s Taxonomy of learning.