UPHESC Assistant Professor Cut Off Marx, Category War

Uttar Pradesh Higher Education Services Commission (UppHESC) has announced the examination schedule for the recruitment of assistant professors in various subjects. With the available 981 vacancies, the UPHESC Assistant Professor Exam is scheduled to be held on April 16-17, 2025. As the candidates prepare for this competitive exam, it is important for ability to understand the given assistant professor cut off marks. This article offers a detailed observation of UphesC Assistant Professor Cut-off Marx, previous year’s trends, expected cut-offs, qualifying marks, and more.

UPHESC Assistant Professor Cut Off Marx: Overview

The UPHESC Assistant Professor Cut Off Marx candidates are the minimum score required to qualify for the next phase of the recruitment process. These marks vary depending on factors such as the subject, category and difficulty level of examination. Cut-off scars are determined by the Commission after considering various parameters, including the number of vacancies, number of applicants and overall performance of candidates.

aspect Description
Examination body Uttar Pradesh Higher Education Service Commission (UPHESC)
Recruitment Above Assistant Professor Recruitment
Post Assistant professor
Number of Vacancies 981
test date April 16-17, 2025
Exam shift Shift 1: 9:00 am to 12:00 pm
Shift 2: 2:00 am to 5:00 pm
Merit mark Minimum marks required to pass the exam
Cut off marks released After the announcement of results on the official uphesc website.
Cut off marks purpose To shortlist candidates for the next phase of the recruitment process.

UPHESC Assistant Professor In the last year cut marks

The upheSc assistant professor cut off marks for the 2022 recruitment cycle provide valuable insight into the required trends for the upcoming exam. Below is a table that shows the cut-off marks of the previous year for various subjects:

Subject Ur Other Backward Classes scheduled caste
Hindi 144.33 144.33 129.9
Urdu 123.23 , ,
English 98.97 98.97 74.23
Sanskrit 121.21 121.21 117.17
drawing 131.31 131.31 ,
Music vocal 137.5 , 118.75
Music sitar 109.09 , ,
Music Tala 120.41 122.45 ,
History 148.94 148.94 148.94
Ancient Indian history 165.66 165.66 163.64
Geography 141.41 141.41 137.37
Psychology 116.33 114.29 95.92
Education 103.09 103.09 103.09
Visit 152.58 154.64 ,
Anthropology 153.06 , ,
Sociology 130.61 130.61 130.61
Social work 146.94 , ,
Economics 115.79 115.79 115.79
political Science 125 125 125
physical education 138.95 , ,
Military science 127.27 127.27 94.95
Home science 157.45 153.19 ,
Bed 136.73 134.69 118.37
Law 147.47 137.37 127.27
Rural industry 98.99 , ,
chemistry 105.15 105.15 49.48
Botany 113.13 111.11 6.87
Zoology 105.05 98.99 78.79
Mathematics 100 100 44.68
Physics 95.92 95.92 69.39
Statistics 70.97 73.12 81.72
Agricultural botany 98.99 , ,
Agricultural chemistry 78.79 , 78.79
Insectology 123.23 , ,
Agricultural Economics 85.71 , 53.06
Agricultural extension 119.19 , 86.87
Horticulture 118.37 , 118.37
plant Pathology 125.25 , ,
Animal Husbandry and Dairy 102.04 , 77.55
Land conservation 88.66 , ,
agricultural Engineering 70.71 86.87 ,
Agronomical 97.96 97.96 100
Agricultural statistics 83.33 , ,

UPHESC Assistant Professor expects cut off marks

While the official cut-off marks for the 2025 examination will be released after the results are declared, candidates can estimate the expected cut-off based on last year’s trends. Factors such as the number of applicants, the difficulty level of the examination and the available vacancies will affect the cut-off mark. Generally, subjects with high competition may have high cut-offs, while people with low applicants may have relatively low cut-offs.

Subject Expected cut off (ur) Expected cut off (OBC) Expected cut off (SC)
Hindi 140-145 140-145 125-130
Urdu 120-125 , ,
English 95-100 95-100 70-75
Sanskrit 120-125 120-125 115-120
drawing 130-135 130-135 ,
Music vocal 135-140 , 115-120
Music sitar 105-110 , ,
Music Tala 120-125 120-125 ,
History 145-150 145-150 145-150
Ancient Indian history 160-165 160-165 160-165
Geography 140-145 140-145 135-140
Psychology 115-120 110-115 90-95
Education 100-105 100-105 100-105
Visit 150-155 150-155 ,
Anthropology 150-155 , ,
Sociology 130-135 130-135 130-135
Social work 145-150 , ,
Economics 115-120 115-120 115-120
political Science 120-125 120-125 120-125
physical education 135-140 , ,
Military science 125-130 125-130 90-95
Home science 155-160 150-155 ,
Bed 135-140 130-135 115-120
Law 145-150 135-140 125-130
Rural industry 95-100 , ,
chemistry 100-105 100-105 45-50
Botany 110-115 105-110 5-10
Zoology 100-105 95-100 75-80
Mathematics 95-100 95-100 40-45
Physics 90-95 90-95 65-70
Statistics 70-75 70-75 80-85
Agricultural botany 95-100 , ,
Agricultural chemistry 75-80 , 75-80
Insectology 120-125 , ,
Agricultural Economics 80-85 , 50-55
Agricultural extension 115-120 , 85-90
Horticulture 115-120 , 115-120
plant Pathology 120-125 , ,
Animal Husbandry and Dairy 100-105 , 75-80
Land conservation 85-90 , ,
agricultural Engineering 70-75 85-90 ,
Agronomical 95-100 95-100 95-100
Agricultural statistics 80-85 , ,

Factors cut off marks affecting UPHESC Assistant Professor

Many factors affect UPHESC assistant professors cut off marks, including:

  1. Number of vacancies: High vacancies may be less cut-off.
  2. Number of applicants: More applicants can increase competition, which can lead to high cut-offs.
  3. Difficulty level of examination: A difficult examination can result in low cut-off.
  4. Category: Cut-off marks vary to ur, OBC, SC and other categories.
  5. Last year’s trends: Historical data provides insight into the expected cut-offs.

How to download UPHESC assistant professor cut off mark

To download UPHESC (Uttar Pradesh Higher Education Service Commission) Assistant Professor Cut-off Marx, follow these steps:

  • Visit the official UPHESC website: Visit the official website of UPHESC: https://upphesc.up.nic.in.
  • Navigate on information/result section: See the “information” results, “or” cut-off marks “section on the homepage. This is the place where the commission usually uploads important updates including cut-off marks.
  • Find relevant notification: Search for notification related to assistant professor cut-off marks. It can be given some title “Assistant Professor Cut-off Marx” or some similar title.
  • Download Cut-off Marx PDF: Click on the link given in the notification to open or download the PDF file containing cut-off marks.
  • Save or print documents: Once the PDF is downloaded, you can save it on your device or print it for future reference.

How to calculate UPHESC Assistant Professor Marx

To calculate your marks in UPHESC Assistant Professor Exam:

  1. Total Question: Pay attention to the total number of questions in the exam.
  2. Correct Answer: Count the number of correct answers.
  3. Wrong Answer: Cut marks for wrong answer (if applied).
  4. Sutra: Use the formula:
    Total digits = (Number of correct answers × per question mark) – (Number of wrong answers × per question negative digit)

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