More than 30 lakh candidates of the country have registered under the application process of SSC GD recruitment. Based on the status of registration for the examination, this examination is going to be conducted on a large scale across the country, preparations for which have also started.
Let us tell you that SSC GD exam is going to be conducted through different examination centers on different dates in all the states. Candidates who have submitted their applications in the SSC GD application process are curious to know the main date of the exam.
Even though preparations for SSC GD exam have already started, but according to media reports, this special exam will be conducted in the initial months of the year 2025 i.e. between January and February.
ssc gd exam date
It is very important for the SSC GD applicants to know the main dates of the examination, with the help of which they will not only be able to complete their preparation till the nearest time of the examination but will also be able to make a good schedule for the examination.
To know the exam date sheet of SSC GD exam, candidates should login to the official website of the department, where the exam dates of all the states and exam centers can be seen very easily.
Main dates of SSC GD Recruitment
- The main notification for the recruitment of SSC GD was released on 5 September.
- The application process for this examination has been completed from 5 September to 14 October 2024.
- After the application process, its main examination can now be held from January 1 to February 15 in the year 2025.
- The admit cards of the candidates are likely to be released in December before the examination.
ssc gd exam syllabus
It is very important for the candidates who are preparing for SSC GD exam to know the new syllabus of SSC GD year 2025 so that they can complete their subject wise preparation according to the new syllabus. Let us tell you that the candidates can download the new syllabus of the examination by visiting the official website.
ssc gd exam pattern
- SSC GD year 2025 exam is going to be computer based.
- The question paper of the exam tomorrow will have 80 questions for which 160 marks will be allotted.
- A total of 1 hour will be given to the candidates in the examination in which it will be mandatory for them to solve their question paper.
- Negative marking will also be used in SSC GD exam in which 0.25 marks will be deducted.
Selection Process of SSC GD Recruitment
The SSC GD examination is going to be conducted by the Staff Selection Commission in a total of four phases. In the first phase, computer based examination, in the second phase, physical test and in the third phase, medical checkup, after which finally the documents of the successful candidates will be verified, only after that they will be fully selected.
How to download SSC GD admit card?
- To access the admit card, first of all you have to go to the official website.
- After reaching the website, you will have to click on the admit card link on the home page.
- As soon as you click, you will reach the next online page where some important information will have to be filled.
- You have to enter your registration number, password etc. as important information and submit.
- As soon as it is submitted, the admit card will be published on the screen, which can be downloaded with the help of the download button.
- You will have to take a print out of your admit card and keep it safe from the examination till the result.