Bajaj EMI Card Online Apply Bajaj insta emi card kaise banaye

Hello friends, Bajaj Pincer Insta EMI is a card with which you can buy more than 10 lakh products on EMI. You can use one card at more than 1 lakh 50 thousand stores in more than 4000 cities. To apply for Bajaj Pensar Insta EMI Card, you will have to come to this page, enter a mobile number, after this, get on November 1, an OTP will be sent, enter the OTP here, after this, enter your full name as written on the PAN card. It has happened! Type the same and then proceed. After this, you will have to fill your personal details. After this, proceed. Your Insta EMI has been completed. You can see the limit from here. In this card, you get a limit of up to Rs 3 lakh. Which depends on your civil score, the better your civil score, the more limit you will get in this card, after this you will click on proceed for verification below. For verification, you will click on using DigiLocker here, enter your Aadhar card number in it. After this, the mobile number which is linked with the next Aadhar card will be done.

An OTP will be sent on it, enter that OTP here and then submit if you are already registered on DailyLocker. So here there is an option to enter the Security PIN. In this you will enter your DigiLocker PIN and if you have not already registered in DigiLocker! So here the option to set the PIN will appear. You can set any 6 digit PIN here and if you have registered in DigiLocker. But if you have forgotten the PIN, then you have to click on Forgot My PIN here!

To set a new PIN, here you will select your date of birth, after this you will confirm that you will type the PIN of DigiLocker here, in this you can set a 6 digit PIN, after this, this page will appear in front of you. It will come down, you will click on Allow, for KYC you will select Aadhaar card here, it will match your details with Aadhaar card, you will confirm, after this you will fill your address here as written on your Aadhaar card.

Fill it in the same manner and then whose name you want to give in the summit relation ship. You will select here like father, mother and enter name here, after that proceed, after this you will have to pay one time joining fee which is Rs 530, after this you will also get the option to apply promo code. In this you will click on apply promo code. So here you will get many promo codes like if you apply this first promo code!

So you will get a cashback of Rs 1000. When you first install TruckJaxon from this card, you will get a cashback of Rs 1000. This is the code I apply here. After this, click on Proceed for Payment, as if I am paying through UPI here, UPI has been selected. After this, click on Pay Now and select from which UPI app you want to pay. You will select it here as if I have completed the payment through phone. Insta EMI Card success is in full swing!

After this, to activate, you will click here on Activate November. To activate Instime EMI Card, you will have to set up your account. After this, you will have to set up your account through your bank account. So here you will enter the IFSC card of your bank. Below you will enter the account number and account type, you will enter savings. Or Current, after this continue, in this way the banking details will appear in front of you, you will click on Get Otp, the mobile number which is linked with your bank account. An OTP will be sent on it. OTP will be entered here. After this, the sum will be registered in this manner. Success Phuli Insta EMI Card will be activated as soon as the address is registered. Now you can use this card.