Science subject required for REET – Promote your preparation!

The much awaited Rajasthan eligibility test for teachers (REET) is finally to be held in the coming week, which means that the candidates have put their best possible efforts in a competitive examination. Candidates need to focus their focus and prioritize the necessary subjects that are scoring and cover the most weightage in terms of marks.

For candidates selected in Mathematics and Science in Level 2 Examination, Science Section holds an important position because you can win the section with ease of scoring a certain-shot 30 marks due to being an ideological accurate. Thus, we are facilitating you with important science subjects for the Rit Level 2 exam to promote your preparation, being the best companion of the aspiration.

Role of science in reto level 2 exam

At this point when the examination is just one week away, focusing on necessary science subjects can improve accuracy and help to get full marks in the exam. Being an important part of the Science Section Examination, it carries 20% weightage in the exam, which is an important section to focus. By following smart strategies such as 80/20 rules, where 20% of themes contribute to 80% of questions, candidates can effectively streamline their preparation with these subjects. Here are some of the major points that advocate the science section may be a game changer with the appropriate focus:

  • Subject dedicated to Paper 2 – Science is a main theme for candidates selecting for maths and science in Reit Paper 2.
  • Important load – There are 30 digits in the science section, which makes it an essential scoring area.
  • Conceptual and application-based questions- The examination assesses both factual knowledge and ability to implement scientific concepts.
  • Scoring advantage – Strong conceptual clarity in science can help candidates to secure complete marks easily.

Important science subject for retriers

To perform well in the Rit Level 2 Science section, candidates need to focus on subjects that are often asked and carrying high marks. A well -employed approach to these subjects will not only improve understanding, but will also help in better retention and accuracy during the examination. Covering the most relevant topics ensures that candidates can respond confidently and score higher. Below is a list of major science subjects that will help in structured preparation and effective amendment before the exam.

General physics
Unit Subject
Mechanics Work, energy and power, gravity, speed in a straight line, speed in a plane, rotational speed, unit and measurement, rules of speed
Mechanical properties of solids Rule of stress, stress and hook, stress-stress curve, elasticity and plasticity
Mechanical properties of fluid Contact and capillary, viscosity and surface of surface tension
Thermal properties of substance Heat transfer, specific heat and capacity, thermal expansion
Thermalogics Thermodynamic process, zero law of thermodynamics, rules of thermodynamics
kinetic theory Right theory of ideal gas, behavior of gases
Vibration Simple harmonic motion (shm) and characteristics, velocity and acceleration in shm, periodic and oscillation speed
lights Refraction of light, disintegration of light, reflection of aircraft mirror, reflection of light, circular mirror, lens, light intervention and diffraction, total internal reflection, light spread
Waves Transverse and longitudinal waves, electromagnetic spectrum, properties of electromagnetic waves, periodic motion
sound Sound properties, audio and infrasonic sounds, loudes and pitch
Electrostatics Cultivity, conductivity and resistivity, electric charge and coulumbs law, Oms Law and Resistance, Electric Field and Intensity, Electrostatic vs. Gravitational Force, Electrical A capacity and EMF, optional and direct current
Magnetism Diya, para and ferro magnetism, magnetic field and magnetic flow, magnetic lines of force, magnetic properties
Modern physics Anode rays and properties, cyclotron, atomic energy, radiosotopes and radioactivity, atomic force, use of atomic forces, photochetic effects and radioactivity, semiconductors and its types, cathode rays and properties, nuclear fusion and nuclear disruptions
general Chemistry
Unit Subject
Basic concepts of chemistry Solid Status: Uncarre and crystalline solid, intraimalicular force, liquid state, canetex, gases and gases related to gases and laws, rules of chemical combinations, stoicomatry and stoicomatric calculations, substances – properties, mole measurements, mole concept and tordeed mass, percentage composition , Empirical and molecular people
balance Homogeneous balance, acid, base, salt
Atomic structure The concept of orbitals, quantum number, bohr models and its boundaries, balls and subscribers
Chemical bonds and molecular structure VSEPR Theory, Hydrogen Bonding, Cosel-Livis approach, hybridization
Hydrocarbon Alkanes, aeromatic hydrocarbons, alkanes, carcinogenesis and toxicity, alkin
organic Chemistry Amine, Hellocaine and Helloren, Biomoleculus, Polymer, Alcohol, Finols, and Ether, Aldehydes, Catons and Carboxylic Acids
Solution Molar mass, type of solution
Surface chemistry Pais, absorbing, colloid, cutleis
Classification of elements and periodicity Electronic configuration and types of elements, naming elements
chemical reaction Oxidation number, types of reactions, oxidation and decreased reactions
periodic table Important compounds and their use, P blocks, significant trends and anomalous properties, F block, hydrogen and dihydrogen, S block, D block properties
General biology
Unit Subject
Classification of animals Phylum arthropoda, phylum echinodermata, algae, phylum protozoa, phylum chordata, lichen, phylum annelida, virus, fungi, chordates and internet, phylum nemathelminthes, phylum nemathelmin Protists, phylum cnenophoria, phylum cnidaria, phylum cnidaria, phylum cnidaria, phylum cnidaria, phylum cnidaria, phylum cnidaria, phylum mollusca
Cells Cell cycle and cell division, types of cells, mitosis vs. patthewalabhana, prokaryotic cells, eukaryotic cells, structure of cells, description of cell organelle
nutrition Protein, carbohydrates, food composition, heterotropic nutrition, fat, minerals, photosynthesis, decreased disease
Human digestive system Digestive glands and their functions
Bones, joints and muscles Axial skeleton, bone disorder, muscles, appendix skeletons, skeletal systems, joints
integumentary system Soft derivatives, skin, sweat glands, hard derivatives
Communication system Heart, blood vessels, plasma, WBC related disease, blood groups, blood composition, platelets or thrombocytes, RBC, heart disease, RBC or erythrocytes disease
Gland Kidney, thyroid glands disorders, liver, endocrine glands, anterior pituitary, adrenal glands, ovaries and testes and sex hormones, pituitary glands, pineal and thyroid glands, pancreas
Human reproductive system Fertilization, female reproductive system, male reproductive system, introduction
Human health and disease Disease blood transfusion, vaccination and vaccination, type of disease, genetic diseases, disease caused by fungi, the concept of health, which spread through human bacteria, diseases caused by insects, viral disease of humans spread through viral disease
Science teaching
Unit Subject
Scope of nature, structure and scientific course Characteristics of nature, purpose, purpose and science of science, technology and science relationship with society, science courses and its designing
Scrutinize Importance of science in the field of education, understanding of science among children, science book or courses
Approach in science Disciplinary approach and integrated approach, process approach, creative approach, hand approach
Science teaching methods Lectures, lectures and laboratory methods, heuristic method and problem-solution method, observation, experiment and search
Innovation in science Teaching and innovation, sports, project method and seminar presentation, its stages in team teaching and science, text plan
Teaching materials and AIDS Classification of teaching AIDS, preparation and selection of teaching AIDS
Evaluation Evaluation meaning, concept, and definition, types of assessment (Viva-Vasi and Practical Testing, Written Tests, Questionnaire and Interview), Classification of Bloom
Remedial teaching The meaning and concept of therapeutic teaching, remedial teaching, individual tutorial teaching, auto-intercepting teaching and informal teaching
Problems related to science teaching Problems in teaching science, recommendations for science teaching
NCF NCF 2005

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