JKSSB JE Syllabus 2025 and Exam Pattern, Download PDF

JKSSB is a citizen course Subject Syllabus Mark Land measurement The importance of survey, principles, and classification, measurement of distance and directions, chain survey, compass survey, flat, tacometer, theodolite, traversing, contouring, aircraft table survey, curves. 10 digits Mechanics and structural analysis Introduction, the concept of rigid body scalar and vector volume, rules of forces, moments, friction, center of gravity, simple machine, torsion, properties of materials, moments of bending, and toilet for force statistically. Simple stress and stress relationship. Two dimensions, major stress and stress in stress change and stress. Simple bending principles, flaxural and shear stress, unrelated bending, shear center. Pressed vessels with thin walls, similar torsion, column bakling, joint and direct bending tension. Slop and deflection, truss analysis. 15 points RCC structures The basics of concrete technology, concrete content, water-cement ratio, working properties of concrete, entry, special attachment, non-destructive tests and basics of mixture designs. Concrete design working stress and limit state design concepts, analysis of ultimate load capacity, and design of members subject to flexible, shrill, compression and torsion by limit state methods. Analysis of the basic elements, transfer and service loads, one-way slabs and two-way slabs analysis of the predressed concrete. 15 points soil Mechanics Soil’s origin, properties, soil classification, three-phase system, fundamental definitions, relationships, relationships and interrelations, water flow through soil, permeability and seepage, effective stress theory, soil deformation, consolidation, sheer strength characteristics, shear strength characteristics, plate load test, SPT, density, density, density, density control, density control, density control, density control, density control, density control, density control, density control, density control, density control, density control, density control, density control, density control, density control, density control, density control, density control, density control, density control, density control, density control, density Control. 10 digits Liquid mechanics and waterfalls Properties of liquids, hydrostatic pressure, pressure measurement, flow measurement, flow through pipes, flow through open channels, hydraulic pumps, mass, motion, energy, and the principle of preservation of the same equations, the principle of conservation of the same, possible flow, application of motion, and the equation of the Barnauli, and the trulbulant flow, the flow in the pipe network. The concept of boundary layer and its growth. Equal flow, significant flow, and, gradually diverse flows, specific energy concept, hydraulic jump force on submerged bodies, flow measurements in channels, tanks and pipes. Lobic analysis of flow and hydraulic modeling kinametics. 15 points Irrigation engineering Introduction, water requirement of crops, hydrological cycles, dams, canals, dams, canal headwork, and regulatory work, cross drainage works, hydraulic structures, river training work, water logging, drainage, groundwater recharge, well hydrolics 10 digits Water supply and waste engineering Introduction, water quantity, water quality, water treatment, water convenes, exit from pipes, water supply, and installation, plumbing, sewerage systems, sewer, sewage characteristics construction and construction 10 digits Highway engineering History of development of highways and planning, definitions of various words used in highway engineering, methods of road construction, IRC classification, highway survey and planning geometric design, various types of road materials, binders, types of pavement, CBR method, subgrade preparation, WM, WMM, WMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM 10 digits Railway engineering History of Indian Railways, gauge used, its components in a permanent manner, rail types, creep, welding, rail fixtures and fastenings, signaling, pointing and crossing, Bridge Vocabulary, Classification, Components, Foundation. 10 digits Planning management related to construction Network diagrams, pert-CPM, cost optimization contracts, tenders, depreciation, evaluation, organization, measurement books, cash books, management work, construction scheme, quality control, inventory control, estimates and cost definitions, methods, and types of estimates 15 points
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