The SBI PO Prelims Exam 2025 has already started, on the first day, 08 March has been held in several innings. Candidates taking their exams on March 16 and 24 can use this analysis to fix their preparation. By understanding section -wise trends and major takeaairs, candidates can focus on the right areas to improve their score.
SBI PO Prelims: What Candidates should focus for upcoming shift
The overall difficulty level of the examination has been moderate so far, with some classes lengthened and good time management is required. To perform well in upcoming innings, candidates should focus on important topics and practice techniques solving time. By following these strategies and focusing on high weightage subjects, candidates can promote their score and improve the possibility of clearing SBI Po Prelims Exam 2025. Below are section-wise focus areas for upcoming changes:-
Logic capacity: master puzzle and seating arrangement
Each shift has a dominance of the logic section on the puzzle and seating arrangement, with at least 20–25 questions from these subjects. Other general subjects include inequality, pair formation and meaningful words.
What to do
Practice a variety of riddles, including floor -based, box -based, circular and linear arrangements.
Work on improving logical logic speed by practicing sylogism and pair formation questions.
First manage the time by solving easy questions and then by trying complex riddles.
Quantitative Qualification: Focus on data interpretation and arithmetic
With data interpretation (DI) and a strong focus on arithmetic problems, the calculation of the volume section has been heavy. In some innings, adjacent and quadratic equations were also asked.
What to do
Practice DI sets depending on table, line graph, pie charts and casals.
Modify basic arithmetic concepts such as profit and loss, ratio and ratio and percentage.
Improve the speed of calculation using small moves and mental mathematics techniques.
English language: strengthen reading and grammar
The English section has an understanding of reading with questions on constant vocabulary and estimates. Other major subjects include error, filler and sentence rehabilitation.
What to do
Read editorial, news articles and routes to increase reading speed and understanding.
Brush on grammar rules to detect error and improve accuracy in sentence formation.
To get acquainted with the pattern, solve the questions of the previous year on the close test and phrase rehabilitation.
SBI PO Prelims Exam 2025 tips for upcoming changes
For the upcoming innings, candidates should be calm and confident, often asked in day 1 shift, focusing on subjects. Since puzzles and seating arrangements have dominated the argument capacity section, it would be important to modify a variety of riddles. In quantitative qualifications, candidates should practice data interpretation, especially set based on table, line graph and pie chart, as well as arithmetic subjects such as benefits and losses, ratio and percentage. For the English language section, it would be beneficial to strengthen reading skills, modify the error, and to practice the sentence resettlement. Instead of starting new topics at the last minute, it is advisable to modify these high weightage areas. Efforts should be made to improve regular mock tests to improve time management and accuracy.