SSB Constable Tradesman & HC Electrician Result 2024: Sashastra Seema Bal (SSB) has officially declared the result for Constable Tradesman and Head Constable Electrician posts under the 2023 recruitment drive. This recruitment was for a total of 1,638 vacancies on various posts.
Recruitment results are now available for all the candidates who appeared in the examination. Those who qualify for these posts will receive further instructionswhistleIon regarding next steps in the selection process
SSB Recruitment 2023 – Vacancy Overview:
Constable Tradesman:
- total vacancies: 96 (Driver), 24 (Veterinarian), 7 (Carpenter, Blacksmith, Painter), 416 (Washer, Barber, Sweeper, Tailor, Gardener, Cobbler, Cook and Water Carrier)
- eligibility:Varies as per post, including Class 10th with relevant trade certificate or driving license. The age limit is generally between 18 to 27 years depending on the post.
Head Constable:
- total vacancies: 15 (Electrician), 296 (Mechanic), 2 (Steward), 23 (Veterinarian), 578 (Communication)
- eligibility: Includes Class 10th, Diploma, or specific technical certificate, age limit is 18 to 27 years.
Assistant Sub-Inspector (ASI):
- vacancies: 7 (Pharmacist), 21 (Radiographer), 1 (Operation Theater Technician), 1 (Dental Technician)
- eligibility: 10+2 with relevant degree, diploma or certificate is required.
Sub-Inspector (SI):
- vacancies: 20 (Pioneer), 3 (Draughtsman), 59 (Communication), 29 (Staff Nurse Female)
- Eligibility: A range of qualifications from 10th class certificate to degrees in related fields such as civil engineering, electronics and communications.
How to check SSB Constable Tradesman and HC Electrician Result 2024?
To check SSB Constable Tradesman and Head Constable Electrician Result 2023 in PDF format:
- Visit the official website of SSB,
- Go to “Results” section On the home page.
- Click on the result link For Constable Tradesman and Head Constable Electrician 2023.
- download pdf And search your name or roll number.
SSB Constable Tradesman and HC Electrician Result PDF