SSC CHSL Exam Pattern 2024 | See SSC CHSL new exam pattern

The most important strategy to succeed in any competitive exam is the first to understand its exam pattern. After understanding the exam pattern, the candidate passes the exam by employing time management and everything other things in the examination.

The written examination for SSC CHSL recruitment is conducted in Tier -1 and Tier -2. Before going to the recruitment examination of SSC CLSL, candidates must know about SSC CLSL Salary and SSC CLSL syllabus. Apart from this, candidates should also know about SSC CHSL important books for the examination pattern as well as good preparation.

SSC CHSL Recruitment – Brief Description

Recruitment name SSC CHSL Recruitment
Article name SSC CHSL exam pattern 2024
Recruitment board name Staff selection commission (ssc)
designation Lower Divisional Clerk, Junior Secretariat Assistant, Data Entry Operator, P.A., S.A.
Process of application Online
Selection Written exam and skill test / typing test
Medium of exam Online
Category SSC
official website

SSC CHSL Exam Pattern 2024

SSC CHSL Exam Pattern is divided into two parts. SSC first conducts Tier -1 examination in which 100 questions of objective type are asked and the candidates have a time of 60 minutes (1 hour) to solve these questions and the candidates of the Divyang (PWD) class It is given 80 minutes (01 hours 20 minutes). The Tier -2 exam conducts the exam in 02 season, in which 135 questions are asked in total in the first season and get 2 hours and 15 minutes to solve them.

Apart from this, the candidates get 15 minutes and 10 minutes for skill test / typing test after written examination. After the completion of all these examinations, SSC releases the final result in the final, which has a list of selected candidates.

SSC CHSL Tier -1 exam pattern 2024

In the SSC CHSL Tier -1 exam, there are a total of 100 questions of objective type from four subjects, which candidates have 1 hour to solve, while the disabled candidates are given 1 hour and 20 minutes. On correcting each question, the candidates get 2 marks and a negative marking of 0.5 marks is also done on each wrong question. Let us understand the exam pattern through the following table-

Number Subject Number of questions score
1 Mathematic 25 50
2 general awareness 25 50
3 General intelligence test 25 50
4 English 25 50
Total 100 200

To solve the question paper, the time of 1 hour (1 hour for disabled candidates) will be given to the candidates by the Commission. To succeed in this exam, you should solve last year’s question papers as well as SSC CHSL Practice / Mock Test.

SSC CHSL Tier -2 Exam Pattern 2024

The SSC CHSL Tier -2 exam will be held in two sessions a day. In the first session or shift, the candidates will be asked questions from three sections and each sections will have two sub-divisions. In the second session, the skill test / typing test of the candidates will be taken for which the time will be fixed for 15 minutes and 10 minutes. Each question in the written examination will be of 3 marks and in case of wrong, there will be a negative marking of 1 digit. Let us understand the Tier-2 exam pattern through the table below-

Session Section Sub-division Subject Number of questions score Time
Session -1 (2 hours 15 minutes) Section -1 Sub -division -1

Sub -section -2

Mathematical capabilities

Reasoning and General Intelligence





1 hour
Session -1 Section -2 Sub -division -1

Sub -section -2

English language and understanding

general awareness





1 hour
Session -1 Section -3 Sub -division -1 Computer knowledge module 15 45 15 min
Session -2 Section -3 Sub -section -2 First part:
Skill test for DEO post

Second part: Typing Test for the post of LDC / JSA

, , 15 min

10 minutes

Important articles related to SSC CHSL Recruitment

Some important questions

What is the medium of SSC CHSL exam?

SSC CHSL exams are conducted through online medium.

How many marks are negative marking in SSC CHSL Tier -1 exam?

There is a negative marking of 0.5 marks in SSC CHSL Tier -1 exam.

How many marks are negative marking in SSC CHSL Tier -2 exam?

SSC CHSL Tier -1 exam has a negative marking of 1 digit.

How many questions are asked in SSC CHSL Tier -1 exam?

A total of 100 questions are asked in SSC CHSL Tier -1 exam.

When will SSC CHSL Tier -1 exam be held in the exam?

SSC CHSL Tier -1 exam will be held in June/July 2024.

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