Positivism and post-positivist approaches in research

Paper 1 in the UGC NET exam consists of a research section. Candidates preparing for UGC NET exam should study the research topics thoroughly to enhance their preparation. Positivism and post-positivism are two major research approaches, representing opposite methods. Positivism follows a descriptive approach, while post-positivism is rooted in critical realism. Read the article below for more information on this topic.

UGC NET Study Notes for Paper 1

concept of positivity

Positivity research focuses on knowledge of facts obtained through observation. The focus here is on collecting data and interpreting it in the most objective way as it appears. The researcher cannot use his own subjective interpretations. Therefore, findings in positivity are objective and quantitative. Some key points about positivity are:

  • Knowledge can be gained through experiences and by observing various elements of the world
  • It focuses on objectivity and quantification of results
  • It emphasizes on empiricism.
  • Here, investigation depends on observable and measurable facts.
  • It is believed that knowledge can be gained through the senses.
  • It is related to deductive approach

Therefore, positivism says that natural science is only science. Social science does not come within its scope because it involves subjective adjustment.

Concept of post-positivism

Post-positivism, on the other hand, focuses on explanations that can be scientifically tested using a variety of methods and techniques. These are based on certain specific beliefs and supporting functions. In contrast to positivism, post-positivism states that observations cannot be completely trusted because they are subject to error. Therefore, post-positivists do not rely on science as a pure solution. Rather, he believes that every source of information contains errors. Some important features of this approach are:

  • This is contrary to the positivist approach.
  • It is believed that scientists are biased and subjective.
  • Laws and theories can be tested using scientific methods

Difference Between Positivism and Post-positivism

Here, research begins with an existing theory, collecting data and analysis with the ultimate aim of rejecting or validating a theory.

Therefore, positivism is a philosophical system that states that some knowledge is based on natural phenomena. Information is obtained from sensory experiences and interpreted through reason and logic. On the other hand,

Research process under positivist vs post-positivist approach

Research process refers to the detailed outline of how a particular research work will be conducted. The research process is different in both the approaches. These are explained below:

  • Research process according to positive approach

Under positivism, the research process follows quantitative and deductive approach. it includes Starting with a theory, developing hypotheses from that theory, and then collecting and analyzing data to test those hypotheses.If hypotheses do not confirm the theory they are redrafted. Given below is a schematic presentation of the research process under positivist approach.

criticism of positivity

Various negative aspects of positivism have been highlighted by researchers:

  • Denial of the presence of human emotions
  • A major shortcoming of positivism is the “certainty claim”, i.e. the claim that scientific knowledge is completely objective, valid, certain and accurate.
  • It simply describes the phenomenon in an objective manner.

Research process under post positivistic approach

Under post-positivism, the research process follows qualitative and inductive approach. it includes beginning With specific observations and measures, detecting patterns and regularities, formulating tentative hypotheses that we can explore, and ultimately developing general conclusions or theories. Given below is a schematic presentation of the research process under positivist approach.

Criticism of post-positivist approach

There are some negative aspects of this approach which are as follows:

  • This raises questions about the impartiality of the research
  • It believes that all scientific methods contain some errors.

In short, both positivism and post-positivism are different philosophies of research. If the first is based on deduction and objectivity, the second considers subjectivity and induction. Most post-positivists believe that we are constructivists who construct knowledge based on our own perceptions but these assumptions and observations are wrong.

Research Positivity and Post-Positive Approach in PDF Download

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