The examination of Staff Nurse was conducted by the Madhya Pradesh Employees Selection Board, now after the end of the exam, the MPESB Group 5 Staff Nurse Answer Key has been released, whoever appeared in this exam, they can definitely download the official website or the link answer given below.
At the same time, its examination was conducted from 15 February to 25 February 2025, when it comes to its admit card, its admit was released before the examination, its answer was issued on 04 March 2025, you can check your marks through the official website if you want.
Brief details about Madhya Pradesh Employees Selection Board Staff Nurse
Board name | Madhya Pradesh Employees Selection Board |
Recruitment name | staff nurse |
Date of issue of answer key | 04 March 2025 |
official website | |
MPESB Group 5 Staff Nurse Answer Key Link Activation
After the end of its examination, the answer key link has been activated, its answer key has been released on 04 March 2025, candidates can match their questions and answers by looking at their answer key.
MPESB Group 5 Staff Nurse How to download Answer Key?
You can follow the following steps to download its answer key –
- First of all you have to visit the official website.
- After this, you will have to go to the section for the right and click on “Question Objections / Response Sheet”.
- As soon as you do this, a page will open in front of you, in it you have to click on “Group-5 Staff Nurse, Sahayak Pashu Chikitsaka Kshetra Adhikari and Other Direct and Backlog Post Combined Recruitment Test-2025”.
- On clicking, another page will open in front of you, in it you will have to enter the tac code and roll number and click on the login button.
- As soon as you do this, the answer key will open in front of you, you can check it.
Some important information related to answer key
- Payment of Rs 50/- per question for objection representation will be payable.
- In relation to any kind of flawed questions / answers in the question paper, only your objections can be presented by the candidate through the link displayed online on this website. After uploading the link, the objections have been made till 18/01/2025. After that the link will become inactive
- The final “Ki” (final answer) will be prepared for evaluation after considering the online representatives received from the candidates along with the trunial questions in the question paper by ESB.
- The decision taken by the Professional Examination Board Bhopal in relation to the last answer will be final.
Some important links