How can I become a government in Rajasthan?

With the release of many vacancies for teaching positions in the state of Rajasthan, there is 1 question that is becoming popular among interested teachers in the state “How can I become a government in Rajasthan?” There is an excessive demand for a profession to give high level job protection, a stable income and a chance to have a meaningful impact on the students’ lives. Working as a government teacher brings personal satisfaction and allows you to contribute to the development and development of the education system in the state.

However, the process of becoming a government teacher in Rajasthan includes meeting specific requirements, successfully passing the exam and following a structured selection process. And this article will break the eligibility criteria for various teaching positions, explain the selection process in detail, and underline the steps required to take you to make a career as a government teacher in Rajasthan.

How can I become a government in Rajasthan?

Candidates with aspirations to form a government. Teachers in Rajasthan are known for the allowances and benefits that will enjoy. However, candidates will be surprised what is the first step to join the teaching profession in Rajasthan. Therefore, to become a government teacher in Rajasthan, The most common and essential steps for teachers (REITs) have qualification in Rajasthan Eligibility Test.

Conducted by Rajasthan Board of Secondary Education (RBSE), the REET exam serves as a primary entrance to secure teaching positions in government schools. The examination is divided into two levels-one to teach primary classes (1-5) and another for upper primary classes (6-8). Let us understand what it seems to form a government in Rajasthan and starts with eligibility.

Eligibility criteria for government teacher posts in Rajasthan

Candidates who wish to become a government teacher in Rajasthan will have to meet some basic eligibility criteria before applying for any teaching examination. These criteria ensure that only qualified and well -prepared individuals enter the education sector. Eligibility requirements vary depending on the level of teaching status, such as primary teacher, trained graduate teacher (TGT), or Post Graduate Teacher (PGT).

Apart from educational qualifications, candidates will also have to meet the age limit and compulsory examination requirements like Rajasthan Teacher Eligibility Test (RTET) or REIT. It is necessary to understand these criteria for every aspiring teacher before starting your preparation. Let’s take a close look at the eligibility details.

Educational qualification

  • For primary teachers (classes 1-5): Candidates should pass Senior Secondary (12th) with at least 50% marks and should have a diploma or an equivalent qualification in primary education (D.EL.ED.).
  • For trained graduate teachers (TGT) (class 6-8): Graduate education requires a bachelor’s degree in a relevant subject with a Bachelor’s degree (B.Ed.) degree.
  • For Post Graduate Teachers (PGT) (Higher Secondary Classes 9-12): Candidates should have a master’s degree in relevant subject with B.Ed. Degree to qualify for lecturer posts.

Age limit

  • For primary teachers: The minimum age is 18 years, and the maximum age is 40 years. According to government norms, age relaxation applies to reserved categories.
  • For TGT and PGT teachers: The age limit is usually between 21 and 40 years, which gives relief for SC/ST, OBC and other reserved category candidates.

Rajasthan Teacher Eligibility Test (RTET/REET)

Candidates applying for primary and secondary teacher posts in Rajasthan should qualify for Rajasthan Teacher Eligibility Test (RTET), which is also known as REET. This exam assesses the understanding of the candidate of subjects like child development, language proficiency, mathematics, environmental study and subject-specific knowledge. Clearing RTET/REET before appearing for the teacher recruitment process is an essential requirement.

Steps after approving the REIT exam

Cleaning the REET exam is the first step towards achieving government educational status in Rajasthan. After qualification for REET, candidates should appear for further recruitment examination on the basis of teaching level. Here are the major examinations that require RIT qualification:

  • Rit Main Exam: After qualification for REET, candidates must appear for the REET MAINS exam, which is conducted for the selection of primary and upper primary teachers. This examination focuses on assessing the subject knowledge, teaching skills and general proficiency of the candidate. Rit Mains is the next important step in the recruitment process for teaching roles in Rajasthan.
  • RPSC 2 Grade Teacher Exam: For those target for secondary school education posts (TGT), RPSC 2nd Grade Teacher Examination is mandatory. This examination is conducted by Rajasthan Public Service Commission (RPSC) and assesses candidates for subjects like English, Mathematics, Social Science, Science, etc. It is necessary to achieve teaching roles at secondary school level (class 9–12).
  • RPSC 3 Grade Teacher Exam: The RPSC 3RD Grade Teacher Exam is another important examination for candidates for the purpose for the posts of Primary School Teacher. After clearing the REET, candidates can apply for 3rd grade teacher recruitment, which focuses on appointing teachers for classes 1 to 5. This exam is also conducted by RPSC and is designed to test subject knowledge, teaching method and general awareness.
  • Other teaching exams: Apart from Rit, candidates may also need to appear for other recruitment examinations conducted by various government bodies in Rajasthan. For example, Rajasthan School Lecturer Exams such as examinations, or special districts or schools may require specific examinations on the basis of vacancies for senior teaching positions. These examinations are required for final selection and appointment.

Examination with no rit requirement

While the REET exam is an essential requirement for many teaching positions in Rajasthan, there are many other government educational examinations where REET qualification is not necessary. This exam usually focuses on high-level teaching roles or special subject-based positions. Candidates interested in such roles can still pursue government teaching opportunities without the need to clean the ret clean. Let’s see some of these exams and their specific requirements:

RPSC 1 Grade Teacher Examination

  • This examination is conducted by the Rajasthan Public Service Commission (RPSC) for the recruitment of Post Graduate Teachers (PGT) in higher secondary schools across the state.
  • Candidates require a master’s degree and B.Ed in relevant subject. Degree to be eligible.
  • This exam does not require REET qualification, which is a good option for those who want to teach at senior secondary level.

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