Nick Scientist B. Technical Courses 2025 |
Chapter |
Subject |
Possibility, Statistics and Convenor |
Conditional possibilities, mean, mean, mode and standard deviation, random variables; Distribution, uniform, general, exponential, poison, bobiy |
Digital argument |
Logic functions, minimalization, design and synthesis of combination and gradual circuit, number representation and computer arithmetic (fixed and floating point) |
Computer organization and architecture |
Machine instructions and address mode, ALU and data path, CPU control design, memory interface, I/o interface (interpt and DMA mode), instruction pipeline, cash and main memory, and secondary storage. |
Electrical engineering |
Power electronics, signals and systems, electromagnetic fields, networks, KCL, KVL, Node and Aries Analysis, Momentary reaction of DC and AC networks, sinusoidal stable-state analysis, resonance, superposition principles, maximum power transfer principle, three stages circuit, power and power factor in circuit |
Analog and digital communication |
Autocorlation and power spectral density, white noise properties, filtering random signals through LTI systems, dimensions modulation and demodulation, angle modulation and demodulation, spectra of AM and FM, spectra of AM and FM, superheatroodine receivers, superheatrodine receivers, circuit shifts for analog communication (pSK), PSK, PSK, PSK, QAM, MAP and ML Decoding, McThed Filter receiver, Bandwidth for Digital Modulation, SNR and BER calculations; Error correction, basic principle of hamming code; Time and frequency synchronization, inter-discourse intervention and its mitigation; Basics of TDMA, FDMA and CDMA. |
Programming and data structures |
: Programming in modern languages. Encapsulation. |
Algorithm |
Analysis, touching, notation, perception and time complexity, worst and average case analysis, design; Greedy approaches, dynamic programming, divide-end-concers, tree and graph traverse, connected enabled, spread trees, the smallest path; Hashing, sorting, discovery, touching analysis (best, worst, average case) time and location, upper and lower limits, basic concept of complexity classes, NP, NP-Hard, NP-Purn |
Compiler design |
Lexical Analysis, Parsing, Syntax Directed Translation, RunTime Environment, Intermediate and Target Code Generation, Code Adaptation Basis |
Operating system |
Procedures, threads, inter-process communication, conclosure, synchronization, dedaloc, CPU scheduling, memory management and virtual memory, file system, I/o system, protection and security |
Database |
ER-model, relational model (Relational algebra, tuple calculus), database design (lack of integrity, normal form), query language (SQL), file structures (sequential files, indexing, B+ Tree), transactions, transactions, transactions, transactions, transactions, transactions, transactions, transactions, transactions, transactions, transactions, transactions, transactions, transactions, transactions, transactions, transactions, transactions and concentration Control, Noskle Dattal Dattal Database, postgraduate database. |
Information system and software engineering |
Information collected, requirement and viability analysis, data flow diagram, procedure specification, input/output design, process life cycle, plan and project, design, coding, testing, implementation and maintenance management. |
Computer network |
ISO/OSI Stack, LAN Technologies, Flow and Aerr Control Technology, Routing Algorithms, Convention Control, TCP/UDP and Socket, IP (V4), IP (V6), Application Layer Protocol, (ICMP, DNS, SMTP, Pop, Pop, FTP, HTTPS), HTTPS, HTTPS, HTTPS, Basic concepts. Wireless Technologies, Network Security -Basic Public and Private Cryptography, Digital Signature, Concepts of Firewalls |
Web technology |
HTML5, CSS3, XML, Basic concept of client-server computing, web server, proxy server, web application development, MVC architecture, web services, friend technologies |
Cyber ​​security and emerging technologies |
Safe programming techniques, Owasp top 10 weaknesses, concepts on IOT, blockchain, AI |
Cloud technology |
Computer, network, storage management technologies, edge computing |