Smart strategies to score 40+ in Reasoning Capacity Section in SBI Clerk Mains 2025

SBI Clerk Mains 2025 has a total of 60 points in the logic section, with a total of 60 marks. This section tests your logical thinking, problem-solution skills and ability to explain complex patterns. In this article, we bring you a smart strategy to score 40+ in the Reasoning Ability section in SBI Clerk Mains 2025. These tips will help you improve speed, accuracy and time management so that you can solve the questions with confidence and increase your score.

Smart strategies to score 40+ in logic in SBI Clerk Mains 2025

If you contact it with the right strategy, then SBI Clerk Mains 2025 has one of the most scoring sections in the Logic Capacity Section. Many candidates find it challenging, but with proper plan and practice, you can easily get 40+ marks. This section tests your logical thinking, pattern recognition and skills to solve the problem. Below are some strategies:-

Master puzzle and seating arrangement
Since puzzles and seating arrangements carry high weightage, do them daily practice. Start with simple riddles and slowly move to complex people. Use diagrams to clearly arrange information. Learning different puzzle patterns will help you solve them quickly in the exam.

Strengthen sylogisms and blood relations
For sylogisms, use Venn diagrams to imagine statements and easily conclude. Blood relationship questions become easier when you use family trees to represent relationships. Practice different types of questions to improve your accuracy.

Improve coding-decoding and data adequate skills
To solve coding-decoding questions, identify a general pattern such as letter shifting or symbol replacement. For data adequate, learn how the given statements are sufficient to answer a question without completely resolving.

Fast direction spirit and input-output skills
For direction sense questions, always start by drawing a simple diagram. This will help you to avoid confusion in left-right and north-south movements. For input-output questions, inspect the pattern in the given steps and apply the same argument on the next set of input.

Create argument
It is important to understand the logic behind each question type. Start with basic level questions and slowly move towards advanced people. If your basic principles are strong, it will be easy to solve difficult questions.

Practice fake tests regularly
Taking a full-length mock test will help you use the exam pattern and time pressure. Analyze your performance after each test and work on your weak areas. By solving the papers of previous years, you will also get a good idea of ​​the type of questions asked.

Use elimination technique
Many logic questions can be resolved quickly by eliminating wrong answer options. If you are uncertain about the correct answer, look at the options that are clearly wrong and then make an educated estimate.

Learn shortcuts and tricks
Develop your own shortcuts for seating arrangements, coding-decoding and direction sense. These tricks will help you solve rapid questions, saving time for difficult problems.

Analyze your mistakes
Review the mistakes you make in mock tests and practice sessions. Keep a record where you have gone wrong and focus on improving those areas. Avoid repeating similar errors in the actual examination.

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